Cantus is 'at' the Canadian Society of Medievalists | Cantus Database

Cantus is 'at' the Canadian Society of Medievalists

Submitted by Debra Lacoste on Mon, 06/14/2021 - 00:00

June 14, 2021 - Debra Lacoste will present with Kate Steiner (Conrad Grebel University College at the University of Waterloo): ‘Turning the Page’ to a Positive: Digitization of Fragments as a Pedagogical Tool. 

Class seminars and student indexing projects involving medieval chant manuscripts and fragments are valuable "hands-on" learning experiences. Debra Lacoste will introduce the database and highlight the inventories prepared by University of Waterloo undergraduate students, and Kate Steiner will reflect on the classroom and individual experiences during the process of working with digitized chant fragments.