List of Genres | Cantus Database

List of Genres

Displaying 1-62 of 62

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Genre Description Mass / Office
A Antiphon Office
AV Antiphon verse Office
Ag Agnus dei Mass
Al Alleluia Mass
AlV Alleluia verse Mass
BD Benedicamus domino Mass, Office
BDTp Benedicamus domino trope Mass/Office
Ca Canticle Mass, Office
CaV Canticle verse Mass, Office
Cap Capitulum Office
Cm Communion Mass
CmR Versus ad repetendum for the communion Mass
CmV Communion verse Mass
Cn Cantio, Cantiones (paraliturgical sacred songs with poetic and often strophic Latin or vernacular texts) Mass, Office
CnV Cantio Verse (strophe of paraliturgical sacred poetic text) Mass, Office
Co Collect Mass
Cr Credo Mass
D Dramatic element (used for items of liturgical drama that are not otherwise rubricked) Mass, Office
Gl Gloria Mass
Gr Gradual Mass
GrV Gradual verse Mass
H Hymn Office
HV Hymn verse Office
I Invitatory antiphon Office
IP Invitatory psalm (when fully written out and notated) Office
Ig Ingressa (for the Beneventan liturgy) Office
In Introit Mass
InR Versus ad repetendum for the introit Mass
InV Introit verse Mass
Ite Ite missa est Mass
Ky Kyrie Mass
L Lesson (when fully written out and notated) Mass
Li Litany Office
LiV Litany verse Mass, Office
Of Offertory Mass
OfV Offertory verse Mass
Or Oratio / Prayer Mass, Office
PRCS Preces (Old Hispanic) Old Hispanic
PRCSV Verse for the Preces (Old Hispanic) Old Hispanic
PS Psalm Office
Pc Postcommunion Mass
Pn Pater noster Mass, Office
Pr Prefatio (when written out and notated) Mass
Psa Prosa None
Psl Prosula (a type of trope - Tp) Mass, Office
R Responsory Office
Sa Sanctus Mass
Sec Secret / Oratio secreta Mass
Sq Sequence Mass
SqV Sequence verse Mass
Tc Tract Mass
TcV Tract verse Mass
Tp Tropus Mass, Office
V Responsory verse Office
Va Varia Mass, Office
VaHW Varia within Holy Week Mass, Office
W Versicle Office
[?] Unknown, ambiguous, unidentifiable, illegible Mass, Office
[GV] Verse for a Mass chant (a generic code used in the earliest Cantus indices) Mass
[G] Mass chant (a generic code used in the earliest Cantus indices) Mass
[MO] Mass Ordinary (a generic code used in the earliest Cantus indices) Mass
[M] "Miscellaneous" (a descriptor used in the earliest versions of Cantus for the Te Deum, Versus in Triduo, prosulae - to be replaced by Va=Varia) Mass, Office
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