List of Feasts
Displaying 1-100 of 1,102 feasts.
Feast Name | Description | Date | Feast Code |
Abdonis, Sennis | Abdon and Sennen, Martyrs | Jul.30 | 14073000 |
Acacii et sociorum | Acacius and Companions, Martyrs | Jun.22 | 14062220 |
Ad Suffragium | Memorial chants | 15000000 | |
Adalberti | Adalbert of Prague, Bishop and Martyr | Apr.23 | 14042310 |
Adalberti,8 | In week after Adalbert | 14042318 | |
Adalhardi Corbeiensis | Adalard (Adalhard) of Corbie, Abbot | Jan.2 | 14010220 |
Adalheidae | Adelaide, Empress | Dec.16 | 14121600 |
Adriani | Adrian, Martyr | Sep.10 | 14091000 |
Adventus Ewaldorum | Arrival of the Ewald brothers' relics (heads) in Muenster | Oct.29 | 14102910 |
Adventus Walburgae | The Departure of Walburga from England (to found a religious house in Bischofsheim) | Aug.4 | 14080410 |
Aegidii | Aegidius (Giles), Abbot | Sep.1 | 14090100 |
Aemigdii, Episc. et Martyr | Emygdius (Emidius), Bishop Martyr | Aug.5 | 14080530 |
Aemiliani Cucullati | Aemilianus Cucullatus, Confessor, Relics in San Millan de la Cogolla | 14111220 | |
Afrae | Afra, Martyr | Aug.5 | 14080500 |
Agapiti | Agapitus, Martyr | Aug.18 | 14081800 |
Agapiti,8 | In week after Agapitus | 14081808 | |
Agathae | Agatha, Virgin Martyr | Feb.5 | 14020500 |
Agathae,8 | In week after Agatha | 14020508 | |
Agnetis | Agnes, Virgin Martyr | Jan.21 | 14012100 |
Agnetis Assisiensis | Agnes of Assisi, younger sister to Clare | 14111610 | |
Agnetis secundo | The memory of Agnes ("a remnant of an ancient octave," Holweck, p. 33) | Jan.28 | 14012840 |
Agnetis,8 | In week after Agnes | 14012108 | |
Aichardi | Aichardus (Achard, Aichadrus, Aycadrius), Abbot | Sep.15 | 14091520 |
Albani, Mart. | Albanus (Alban) of Mainz, Martyr | Jun.21 | 14062100 |
Alberti | Albert of Trapani, Confessor and Carmelite Friar | Aug.7 | 14080720 |
Alberti Magni | Albert the Great (Albertus Magnus), Bishop of Regensburg and "Doctor Universalis" | Nov.15 | 14111550 |
Albini, Epi. | Albinus (Aubin), Bishop of Angers | Mar.1 | 14030100 |
Aldegundis | Aldegundis, Virgin | Jan.30 | 14013000 |
Alexandri et sociorum | Alexander and Eventius, Martyrs | May.3 | 14050310 |
Alexis | Alexis, the Man of God | Jul.17 | 14071700 |
Aloisii Gonzagae | Aloysius (Luigi) Gonzaga, Confessor, Patron of youthful Catholic students | Jun.21 | 14062120 |
Alphegi | Alphege (Aelfeah, Elphege, Aelfeach),Archbishop of Canterbury (1006-1012) | Apr.19 | 14041920 |
Alphonsi Mariae de Ligorio | Alphonsus Maria de Liguori, Bishop, Confessor, Doctor of the Church | Aug.2 | 14080210 |
Amandi | Amand (Amandus), Bishop | Feb.6 | 14020620 |
Amati | Amatus, Bishop of Sens | Oct.19 | 14101900 |
Amatoris | Amator (Amatre), Bishop of Auxerre | May.1 | 14050130 |
Ambrosii | Ambrose, Bishop of Milan, Doctor | Apr.4 | 14040400 |
Ambrosii TP | Ambrose, Eastertide | Apr.4 | 14040480 |
Anastasii | Anastasius the Persian, Martyr | Jan.22 | 14012210 |
Andreae | Andrew, Apostle | Nov.30 | 14113000 |
Andreae Avellini | Andrew, Avellino (Lancelotto), Confessor | Nov.10 | 14111010 |
Andreae Corsini | Andrew Corsini, Carmelite "apostle of Florence" | Feb.4 | 14020400 |
Andreae,8 | In week after Andrew | 14113008 | |
Angelae Mericiae | Angela Merici, Virgin, Foundress of the Ursuline Order of Nuns | May.31 | 14053120 |
Angeli Custodis | For Guardian Angels | Oct.2 | 14100220 |
Aniani | Anianus (Aignan), Bishop of Orleans | Nov.17 | 14111710 |
Annae | Anne, Mother of Mary | Jul.26 | 14072610 |
Annuntiatio Mariae | Annunciation of Mary (Lady Day) | Mar.25 | 14032500 |
Annuntiatio Mariae, Dom. infra oct. | Sunday after Annunciation of Mary | 14032501 | |
Annuntiatio Mariae,8 | In week after Annunciation of Mary | 14032508 | |
Annuntiatio TP | Annunciation of Mary, Eastertide | Mar.25 | 14032580 |
Anselmi | Anselm, Bishop, Confessor, Doctor of the Church | Apr.21 | 14042100 |
Ansgarii | Anskar, Bishop and Confessor | Feb.3 | 14020310 |
Antonii | Antony, Abbot | Jan.17 | 14011700 |
Antonii Mariae Claret | Antonio Maria Claret y Clara, Bishop, Confessor, Spanish Prelate and Missionary | Oct.23 | 14102330 |
Antonii Mariae Zaccaria | Antonio Maria Zaccaria, Confessor, Founder of the Clerks Regular of St. Paul (Barnabites) | Jul.5 | 14070500 |
Antonii Patavini | Anthony of Padua, Doctor | Jun.13 | 14061300 |
Antonini | Antoninus, Martyr | Sep.2 | 14090200 |
Antonini Episcopi | Antoninus, Archbishop of Florence | May.10 | 14051010 |
Apollinaris | Apollinaris, Bishop of Ravenna | Jul.23 | 14072320 |
Apolloniae | Apollonia, Virgin Martyr | Feb.9 | 14020900 |
Appar. Michaelis | Appearing of Michael the Archangel | May.8 | 14050800 |
Aquilae, Priscae | Aquila and Prisca, Virgin Martyrs | Jan.18 | 14011810 |
Arbogasti Argentoratensis | Arbogast, Bishop of Strasbourg | Jul.21 | 14072120 |
Aredii Nivernensis | Aredius (Aregius, Arigius, Agricius, Aré) of Nevers, Bishop | Aug.16 | 14081660 |
Arnulfi | Arnulf, Bishop of Metz | Aug.16 | 14081600 |
Arnulfi Metensis | Arnulfus (Arnoul), Bishop of Metz | Jul.18 | 14071810 |
Assumptio Mariae | Assumption of Mary | Aug.15 | 14081500 |
Assumptio Mariae,8 | In week after Assumption of Mary | 14081508 | |
Athanasii | Athanasius, Archbishop of Alexandria | May.2 | 14050200 |
Attalae | Attala (Atala, Attalia, Attale) of Strasbourg, first abbess of convent of St Stephen | Dec.3 | 14120310 |
Auberti | Aubert (Aubertus), Bishop of Cambrai | Dec.13 | 14121310 |
Audoeni | Audoenus (Ouen), Bishop of Rouen | Aug.24 | 14082410 |
Audomari | Audomarus (Omer), Bishop | Sep.9 | 14090920 |
Augustini | Augustine, Bishop and Doctor | Aug.28 | 14082800 |
Augustini Cant. | Augustine (Austin), of Canterbury | May.26 | 14052610 |
Augustini, conv. | Conversion of Augustine, Bishop and Doctor | May.5 | 14050510 |
Augustini,8 | In week after Augustine | 14082808 | |
Aureae | Aurea, Abbess in Paris | Oct.4 | 14100410 |
Aureae Ostiensis | Aurea (Chryse) of Ostia | Aug.24 | 14082430 |
Aureliae Argentoratensis | Aurelia, Virgin (4th century) | Oct.15 | 14101510 |
Austremonii | Austremonius (Stremoine), Bishop, Martyr, Apostle of Auvergne | 14110160 | |
Aviti | Avitus, Abbot and Confessor, born at Aurillac | Jun.17 | 14061720 |
Baboleni | Babolenus, Abbot | Jun.26 | 14062610 |
Babylae | Babylas, Martyr, 12th Bishop of Antioch | Jan.24 | 14012420 |
Babylae Pampilonensis | Babylas, Bishop of Pamplona | Oct.30 | 14103020 |
Balbinae | Balbina, Virgin Martyr | Aug.28 | 14082850 |
Balthildis | Balthildis (Bathildis), Queen | Jan.30 | 14013010 |
Barbarae | Barbara, Virgin Martyr | Dec.4 | 14120400 |
Barbati | Barbatus (Barbas), Bishop of Benevento | Feb.19 | 14021900 |
Barnabae | Barnabas, Apostle | Jun.11 | 14061100 |
Bartholomaei | Bartholomew, Apostle | Aug.24 | 14082400 |
Basilicae BMV de Martyribus Ulyssipponensis, in dedicatione | Dedication of the Basilica of Our Lady of the Martyrs, Lisbon | May.13 | 14051320 |
Basilidis et Soc. | Basilides and Companions, Martyrs | Jun.12 | 14061200 |
Basilii | Basil of Ancyra, Martyr | Jan.2 | 14010200 |
Basilii, Doct. | Basil the Great, Doctor | Jun.14 | 14061400 |
Bavonis | Bavo (Aldowin, Allowin) of Ghent | Oct.1 | 14100140 |
Bedae | The Venerable Bede, Doctor | May.26 | 14052600 |
Benedictae | Benedicta, Virgin Martyr | Oct.8 | 14100810 |
Benedicti | Benedict, Abbot | Mar.21 | 14032100 |