List of Feasts
Displaying 1-100 of 525 feasts.
Feast Name | Description | Date | Feast Code |
Ad aquam benedictio | Chants for the blessing of water | 16010000 | |
Ad aspersionem aquae benedictae | For the sprinkling of Holy Water | 16023000 | |
Ad aspersionem aquae benedictae TP | For the sprinkling of Holy Water in Eastertide | 16023080 | |
Ad Benedicite | Antiphons for the Benedicite canticle | 16001000 | |
Ad Benedictus | Antiphons for the Benedictus canticle | 16002000 | |
Ad Completorium | For Compline | 16006000 | |
Ad lavandum altaria | Chants for the washing of the altar | 16024000 | |
Ad Magnificat | Antiphons for the Magnificat canticle | 16003000 | |
Ad Mandatum | At the Mandatum (Foot-Washing) | 07065010 | |
Ad Missam | Mass chants appearing as a group | 16012000 | |
Ad Nunc Dimittis | Antiphons for the Nunc Dimittis canticle | 16005000 | |
Ad Nunc Dimittis TP | Antiphons for the Nunc Dimittis canticle, Eastertide | 16005080 | |
Ad Processionem | For Processions | 16009000 | |
Ad visitandum infirmum | Chants for the visiting of the sick | 16013000 | |
Additamenta | Added or Miscellaneous Items To be used when the feast designation is unknown/unknowable because it was not provided by the scribe(s). | 17001000 | |
Antiphonae Majores | Great 'O' Antiphons | 01048010 | |
Ascensio Domini | Ascension Thursday | 08065000 | |
Ascensio Domini,8 | In week after Ascension | 08065008 | |
Ascensionis Domini, in vigilia | Eve of Ascension | 08064001 | |
Benedictio crucis | Chants for the blessing of the cross | 16048000 | |
Circumcisio Domini | The circumcision of Christ | Jan.1 | 02010110 |
Commem. Dom. Res. | Commemoration of Easter (last Sunday before Advent) | 09991000 | |
Compassio Mariae TP | The Sorrows of Mary, celebrated Friday after third Sun. after Easter | 08046010 | |
Conductus | Conductus | 16008000 | |
Consecratio virginis | Rite for the consecration of a virgin. | 16053000 | |
Corporis Christi | Corpus Christi (also "Blessed Sacrament") | 09015000 | |
Corporis Christi,8 | In week after Corpus Christi | 09015008 | |
De caritate | Chants for charity | 16025000 | |
De consecratione caemeteriorum | For the consecration of cemeteries | 16046000 | |
De Esdras | Summer Histories, from Esdras | 10700000 | |
De Esther | Summer Histories, from Esther | 10600000 | |
De festis duplicibus | Chants for feasts of duplex rank | 16016000 | |
De festis duplicibus majoribus | Chants for feasts of duplex major rank | 16016002 | |
De festis duplicibus majoribus TP | Chants for feasts of duplex major rank in Eastertide | 16016082 | |
De festis duplicibus minoribus | Chants for feasts of duplex minor rank | 16016001 | |
De festis duplicibus minoribus TP | Chants for feasts of duplex minor rank in Eastertide | 16016081 | |
De festis semiduplicibus | Chants for feasts of semiduplex rank | 16015000 | |
De festis semiduplicibus TP | Chants for feasts of semiduplex rank in Eastertide | 16015080 | |
De festis simplicibus | Chants for feasts of simple rank | 16039000 | |
De festis sollemnibus | Chants for solemn feasts | 16051000 | |
De Job | Summer Histories, from Job | 10300000 | |
De Judith | Summer Histories, from Judith | 10500000 | |
De Machabaeis | Summer Histories, from Maccabees | 10800000 | |
De Prophetis | Summer Histories, from the Prophets | 10900000 | |
De quinque vulneribus Christi | The Five Wounds of Christ (celebrated on the Friday after the octave of Corpus Christi in Mainz and on a variety of other days in different locations) | 09026000 | |
De Regum | Summer Histories, from Kings | 10100000 | |
De Sancta Lancea | The Holy Lance; on the Friday after the Octave of Easter | 08026010 | |
De Sapientia | Summer Histories, from Wisdom | 10200000 | |
De Tobia | Summer Histories, from Tobias | 10400000 | |
De Trinitate | Trinity Sunday | 09011000 | |
De Trinitate,8 | In the week after Trinity Sunday | 09011008 | |
Die 2 p. Epiphaniam | 1st day after Epiphany (2nd day "of" Epiphany) | Jan.7 | 05010700 |
Die 3 a. Nat. Domini | The third day before Christmas | Dec.23 | 02122300 |
Die 3 p. Epiphaniam | 2nd day after Epiphany (3rd day "of" Epiphany) | Jan.8 | 05010800 |
Die 4 p. Epiphaniam | 3rd day after Epiphany (4th day "of" Epiphany) | Jan.9 | 05010900 |
Die 5 a. Nat. Domini | The fifth day before Christmas | Dec.21 | 02122100 |
Die 5 p. Epiphaniam | 4th day after Epiphany (5th day of Epiphany) | Jan.10 | 05011000 |
Die 5 p. Nat. Domini | 4th day after Christmas | Dec.29 | 02122900 |
Die 6 p. Epiphaniam | 5th day after Epiphany (6th day "of" Epiphany | Jan.11 | 05011100 |
Die 6 p. Nat. Domini | 5th day after Christmas | Dec.30 | 02123000 |
Die 7 p. Epiphaniam | 6th day after Epiphany (7th day "of" Epiphany) | Jan.12 | 05011200 |
Die 7 p. Nat. Domini | 6th day after Christmas | Dec.31 | 02123100 |
Dom. 1 Adventus | 1st Sunday of Advent | 01011000 | |
Dom. 1 p. Epiph.,8 | In the week following the 1st Sunday after Epiphany | 05011018 | |
Dom. 1 p. Epiphaniam | 1st Sunday after Epiphany (Sunday within the octave of Epiphany, 'Dom. Infra Oct. Epiph.') | 05011010 | |
Dom. 1 p. Oct. Corporis Christi | Sunday after the Octave of Corpus Christi | 09031010 | |
Dom. 1 p. Pent. | 1st Sunday after Pentecost | 09011010 | |
Dom. 1 Quadragesimae | 1st Sunday of Lent | 07011000 | |
Dom. 10 p. Pent. | 10th Sunday after Pentecost | 09101000 | |
Dom. 10 p. Pent.,8 | In 11th week after Pentecost | 09101008 | |
Dom. 11 p. Pent. | 11th Sunday after Pentecost | 09111000 | |
Dom. 11 p. Pent.,8 | In 12th week after Pentecost | 09111008 | |
Dom. 12 p. Pent. | 12th Sunday after Pentecost | 09121000 | |
Dom. 12 p. Pent.,8 | In 13th week after Pentecost | 09121008 | |
Dom. 13 p. Pent. | 13th Sunday after Pentecost | 09131000 | |
Dom. 13 p. Pent.,8 | In 14th week after Pentecost | 09131008 | |
Dom. 14 p. Pent. | 14th Sunday after Pentecost | 09141000 | |
Dom. 14 p. Pent.,8 | In 15th week after Pentecost | 09141008 | |
Dom. 15 p. Pent. | 15th Sunday after Pentecost | 09151000 | |
Dom. 15 p. Pent.,8 | In 16th week after Pentecost | 09151008 | |
Dom. 16 p. Pent. | 16th Sunday after Pentecost | 09161000 | |
Dom. 16 p. Pent.,8 | In 17th week after Pentecost | 09161008 | |
Dom. 17 p. Pent. | 17th Sunday after Pentecost | 09171000 | |
Dom. 17 p. Pent.,8 | In 18th week after Pentecost | 09171008 | |
Dom. 18 p. Pent. | 18th Sunday after Pentecost | 09181000 | |
Dom. 18 p. Pent.,8 | In 19th week after Pentecost | 09181008 | |
Dom. 19 p. Pent. | 19th Sunday after Pentecost | 09191000 | |
Dom. 19 p. Pent.,8 | In 20th week after Pentecost | 09191008 | |
Dom. 2 Adventus | 2nd Sunday of Advent | 01021000 | |
Dom. 2 p. Epiph. | 2nd Sunday after Epiphany | 05021000 | |
Dom. 2 p. Epiph.,8 | In the week following the 2nd Sunday after Epiphany | 05021008 | |
Dom. 2 p. Pascha | 2nd Sunday after Easter | 08031000 | |
Dom. 2 p. Pascha,8 | In 3rd week after Easter | 08031008 | |
Dom. 2 p. Pent. | 2nd Sunday after Pentecost (also "Dom. 1 p. Oct. Pent.") | 09021000 | |
Dom. 2 p. Pent.,8 | In 3rd week after Pentecost | 09021008 | |
Dom. 2 Quadragesimae | 2nd Sunday of Lent | 07021000 | |
Dom. 20 p. Pent. | 20th Sunday after Pentecost | 09201000 | |
Dom. 20 p. Pent.,8 | In 21st week after Pentecost | 09201008 | |
Dom. 21 p. Pent. | 21st Sunday after Pentecost | 09211000 | |
Dom. 21 p. Pent.,8 | In 22nd week after Pentecost | 09211008 |