New Cantus Database

Submitted by Debra Lacoste on Tue, 08/01/2023 - 09:24

The new Cantus Database has launched!

Welcome to for a familiar look with updated software underneath. This version of the Cantus Database employs Django with PostgreSQL (migrated from Drupal with MySQL) and became available for login access for contributors on July 24, 2023, at Workshop 15 of the Digital Analysis of Chant Transmission, the project that now oversees the Cantus Database, funded by the Canadian government’s Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council. The Drupal site at the University of Waterloo ( will remain online for a few months for reference only; no new data will be added there. Within a few months, all links to pages and chant records on the uWaterloo site will be redirected permanently to

Contributors please note: Your username is now your email address, and you will need to reset your password at first login to the new site. If you forget which email address you signed up with, or if the password reset email does not arrive (please check your spam folder), please contact us ( or!