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Displaying 21101-21200 of 450625 chants

Siglum Folio Incipit/Full Text Feast Service Genre Position Cantus ID Mode FT Mel Image
A-KN CCl 1015 045r Gaudeamus omnes fideles
Nativitas Domini S A 002926 6 Image
A-KN CCl 1015 045r Notum fecit dominus salutare
Nativitas Domini S R 007242 r Image
A-KN CCl 1015 045v In conspectu gentium
Nativitas Domini S V 01 007242a r Image
A-KN CCl 1015 045v Benedictus qui venit*
Nativitas Domini S W 007978 * Image
A-KN CCl 1015 045v Hodie intacta virgo deum
Nativitas Domini N A 003104 6 Image
A-KN CCl 1015 045v Benedictus qui venit in
Nativitas Domini N R 006250 r Image
A-KN CCl 1015 045v Deus dominus et illuxit nobis
Nativitas Domini N V 01 006250a r Image
A-KN CCl 1015 045v Ipse invocavit me*
Nativitas Domini N W 008106 r Image
A-KN CCl 1015 045v Tecum principium in die
Nativitas Domini V2 A 1 005127 1 Image
A-KN CCl 1015 045v Redemptionem misit dominus
Nativitas Domini V2 A 2 004587 7 Image
A-KN CCl 1015 045v Exortum est in tenebris lumen
Nativitas Domini V2 A 3 002794 7 Image
A-KN CCl 1015 046r Apud dominum misericordia et
Nativitas Domini V2 A 4 001466 4 Image
A-KN CCl 1015 046r De fructu ventris tui ponam
Nativitas Domini V2 A 5 002106 8 Image
A-KN CCl 1015 046r Verbum caro*
Nativitas Domini V2 R 007840 * Image
A-KN CCl 1015 046r In principio*
Nativitas Domini V V 01 007840a * Image
A-KN CCl 1015 046r A solis ortus cardine*
Nativitas Domini V2 H 008248 * Image
A-KN CCl 1015 046r Tecum principium*
Nativitas Domini V2 W 008217 * Image
A-KN CCl 1015 046r Hodie Christus natus est
Nativitas Domini V2 A M 003093 6 Image
A-KN CCl 1015 046r Lapides torrentes illi*
Stephani V R 007075 * Image
A-KN CCl 1015 046r Stephanus autem plenus gratia
Stephani V A M 005025 8 Image
A-KN CCl 1015 046r Sancta et immaculata*
Suff. Mariae Nat. V A R 004700 * Image
A-KN CCl 1015 046r Corde natus*
Stephani C H 008289 * Image
A-KN CCl 1015 046r Glorificamus te dei genetrix
Stephani C A N 002952 4 Image
A-KN CCl 1015 046v Regem protomartyris Stephani
Stephani M I 001141 4 Image
A-KN CCl 1015 046v Hesterna die dominus natus
Stephani M A 1.1 003036 1 Image
A-KN CCl 1015 046v Qui enim corpori suo virginis
Stephani M A 1.2 004468 1 Image
A-KN CCl 1015 046v Praesepis angustia Christum
Stephani M A 1.3 004363 8 Image
A-KN CCl 1015 046v Gloria et honore*
Stephani M W 1. 008081 * Image
A-KN CCl 1015 046v Hesterna die dominus natus
Stephani M R 1.1 006810 7 Image
A-KN CCl 1015 047r Stephanus vidit caelos
Stephani M V 01 006810a 7 Image
A-KN CCl 1015 047r Lapidabant Stephanum
Stephani M R 1.2 007072 4 Image
A-KN CCl 1015 047r Positis autem genibus beatus
Stephani M V 01 007072a 4 Image
A-KN CCl 1015 047r Videbant omnes Stephanum qui
Stephani M R 1.3 007852 4 Image
A-KN CCl 1015 047r Stephanus autem plenus gratia
Stephani M V 01 007852a 4 Image
A-KN CCl 1015 047r Stephanus autem plenus gratia
Stephani M A 2.1 005025 8 Image
A-KN CCl 1015 047v Omnes intendentes in eum
Stephani M A 2.2 004127 4 Image
A-KN CCl 1015 047v Ejicientes eum extra
Stephani M A 2.3 002623 1 Image
A-KN CCl 1015 047v Posuisti domine super caput
Stephani M W 2. 008170 * Image
A-KN CCl 1015 047v Stephanus autem plenus gratia
Stephani M R 2.1 007702 4 Image
A-KN CCl 1015 047v Stephanus vidit caelos
Stephani M V 01 007702a 4 Image
A-KN CCl 1015 047v Stephanus servus dei quem
Stephani M R 2.2 007704 8 Image
A-KN CCl 1015 048r Stephanus autem plenus gratia
Stephani M V 01 007704a 8 Image
A-KN CCl 1015 048r Intuens in caelum beatus
Stephani M R 2.3 006984 4 Image
A-KN CCl 1015 048r Cumque aspiceret beatus
Stephani M V 01 006984a 4 Image
A-KN CCl 1015 048r Lapidaverunt Stephanum et
Stephani M A 3.1 003576 8 Image
A-KN CCl 1015 048r Lapides torrentis illi dulces
Stephani M A 3.2 003580 7 Image
A-KN CCl 1015 048v Ecce video caelos apertos et
Stephani M A 3.3 002554 4 Image
A-KN CCl 1015 048v Magna est gloria ejus*
Stephani M W 3. 008130 * Image
A-KN CCl 1015 048v Impii super justum jacturam
Stephani M R 3.1 006887 7 Image
A-KN CCl 1015 048v Captabant in animam justi et
Stephani M V 01 006887a 7 Image
A-KN CCl 1015 048v Impetum fecerunt unanimes in
Stephani M R 3.2 006885 1 Image
A-KN CCl 1015 048v Positis autem genibus
Stephani M V 01 006885a 1 Image
A-KN CCl 1015 048v Patefactae sunt januae caeli
Stephani M R 3.3 007358 4 Image
A-KN CCl 1015 049r Vidit beatus Stephanus caelos
Stephani M V 01 007358b 4 Image
A-KN CCl 1015 049r Sancte dei pretiose
Stephani M R 10 007575 1 Image
A-KN CCl 1015 049r Ut tuo propitiatus interventu
Stephani M V 01 007575a 1 Image
A-KN CCl 1015 049r Gloria patri et filio et
Stephani M V 02 909000 1 Image
A-KN CCl 1015 049r Lapides torrentes illi dulces
Stephani M R 11 007075 7 Image
A-KN CCl 1015 049v Mortem enim quam salvator
Stephani M V 01 007075a 7 Image
A-KN CCl 1015 049v Gloria patri et filio et
Stephani M V 02 909000 7 Image
A-KN CCl 1015 049v Cum autem esset Stephanus
Stephani L A 1 001987 1 Image
A-KN CCl 1015 049v Lapidabant Judaei Stephanum
Stephani L A 2 003575 1 Image
A-KN CCl 1015 049v Adhaesit anima mea post te
Stephani L A 3 001272 8 Image
A-KN CCl 1015 049v Stephanus vidit caelos
Stephani L A 4 005028 8 Image
A-KN CCl 1015 050r Positis autem genibus clama-
Stephani L A 5 004317 1 Image
A-KN CCl 1015 050r Sancte dei pretiose*
Stephani L H 830309 * Image
A-KN CCl 1015 050r Justus ut palma florebit*
Stephani L W 008117 * Image
A-KN CCl 1015 050r Patefactae sunt januae caeli
Stephani L A B 004229 8 Image
A-KN CCl 1015 050r Stephanus servus dei quem
Stephani P A 005027 8 Image
A-KN CCl 1015 050r Lapidabant Judaei Stephanum*
Stephani T A 003575 * Image
A-KN CCl 1015 050r Stephanus vidit*
Stephani S A 005028 * Image
A-KN CCl 1015 050r Positis autem genibus*
Stephani N A 004317 * Image
A-KN CCl 1015 050r Jucundus homo qui miseretur
Stephani V2 A 1 003510 1 Image
A-KN CCl 1015 050v Quid retribuam domino pro
Stephani V2 A 2 004530 1 Image
A-KN CCl 1015 050v Domine libera animam meam a
Stephani V2 A 3 002357 7 Image
A-KN CCl 1015 050v Miserere mihi domine miserere
Stephani V2 A 4 003775 8 Image
A-KN CCl 1015 050v Sustinuit anima mea in verbo
Stephani V2 A 5 005094 8 Image
A-KN CCl 1015 050v Lapides torrentis*
Stephani V2 R 007075 * Image
A-KN CCl 1015 050v Sancte dei pretiose*
Stephani V2 H 830309 * Image
A-KN CCl 1015 050v Justus ut palma florebit*
Stephani V2 W 008117 * Image
A-KN CCl 1015 050v Sepelierunt Stephanum viri
Stephani V2 A M 004866 8 Image
A-KN CCl 1015 050v Vox tonitrui tui deus in
Joannis Evang. V R 007921 ? Image
A-KN CCl 1015 051r Victo senatu cum Caesare
Joannis Evang. V V 01 007921a ? Image
A-KN CCl 1015 051r Gloria patri et filio et
Joannis Evang. V V 02 909000 ? Image
A-KN CCl 1015 051r Valde honorandus est beatus
Joannis Evang. V A M 005309 8 Image
A-KN CCl 1015 051r Continet in gremio*
Nativitas Domini V A R 001905 * Image
A-KN CCl 1015 051r Adoremus regem apostolorum
Joannis Evang. M I 001013 4 Image
A-KN CCl 1015 051r De patre verbum*
Joannis Evang. M H 830095 * Image
A-KN CCl 1015 051r Qui vicerit faciam illum
Joannis Evang. M A 1.1 004505 1 Image
A-KN CCl 1015 051v Cibavit eum dominus pane
Joannis Evang. M A 1.2 001802 7 Image
A-KN CCl 1015 051v Spiritu sapientiae salutaris
Joannis Evang. M A 1.3 004995 2 Image
A-KN CCl 1015 051v In omnem terram*
Joannis Evang. M W 1. 008097 * Image
A-KN CCl 1015 051v Valde honorandus est beatus
Joannis Evang. M R 1.1 007817 2 Image
A-KN CCl 1015 051v Mulier ecce filius tuus ad
Joannis Evang. M V 01 007817a 2 Image
A-KN CCl 1015 051v In illo die suscipiam te
Joannis Evang. M R 1.2 006906 6 Image
A-KN CCl 1015 051v In tribulatione invocasti me
Joannis Evang. M V 01 006906a 6 Image
A-KN CCl 1015 052r Qui vicerit faciam illum
Joannis Evang. M R 1.3 007486 2 Image
A-KN CCl 1015 052r In illo die suscipiam te
Joannis Evang. M V 01 007486a 2 Image
A-KN CCl 1015 052r Apparuit caro suo Joanni
Joannis Evang. M R 1.4 006113 1T Image
A-KN CCl 1015 052r Cumque complesset apostolus
Joannis Evang. M V 01 006113a 1S Image
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