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Displaying 30401-30500 of 450625 chants

Siglum Folio Incipit/Full Text Feast Service Genre Position Cantus ID Mode FT Mel Image
A-KN CCl 589 108v Cantantibus organis Caecilia
Caeciliae L A 1 001761 1 Image
A-KN CCl 589 108v Est secretum Valeriane quod
Caeciliae L A 2 002680 4 Image
A-KN CCl 589 108v Valerianus in cubiculo
Caeciliae L A 3 005311 7 Image
A-KN CCl 589 108v Benedico te pater domini mei
Caeciliae L A 4 001703 8 Image
A-KN CCl 589 108v Caecilia famula tua domine
Caeciliae L A 5 001747 3 Image
A-KN CCl 589 108v Virginis proles*
Caeciliae L H 008411 * Image
A-KN CCl 589 108v Dum aurora nocti finem daret
Caeciliae L A B 002437 1 Image
A-KN CCl 589 108v Caecilia me misit ad vos
Caeciliae P A 001748 3 Image
A-KN CCl 589 108v Triduanas a domino poposci
Caeciliae T A 005185 4 Image
A-KN CCl 589 109r Valerianus in cubiculo*
Caeciliae S A 005311 * Image
A-KN CCl 589 109r Caecilia famula*
Caeciliae N A 001747 * Image
A-KN CCl 589 109r Cantantibus organis*
Caeciliae V2 A 1 001761 * Image
A-KN CCl 589 109r Virginis proles*
Caeciliae V2 H 008411 * Image
A-KN CCl 589 109r O beata Caecilia quae duos
Caeciliae V2 A M 003991 1 Image
A-KN CCl 589 109r Oremus omnes ad dominum Jesum
Clementis V A M 004191 8 Image
A-KN CCl 589 109r Regem martyrum*
Regem martyrum*
Clementis M I * Image
A-KN CCl 589 109r Deus tuorum*
Clementis M H 008294 * Image
A-KN CCl 589 109r In lege domini*
Clementis M A 1.1 003249 * Image
A-KN CCl 589 109r Iste sanctus*
Clementis M R 2.3 007010 * Image
A-KN CCl 589 109r Orante sancto Clemente
Clementis M R 3.1 007330 8 Image
A-KN CCl 589 109r Vidi supra montem agnum
Clementis M V 01 007330a 8 Image
A-KN CCl 589 109r Dedisti domine habitaculum
Clementis M R 3.2 006402 6 Image
A-KN CCl 589 109r Hoc domine ad laudem et
Clementis M V 01 006402a 6 Image
A-KN CCl 589 109v Phoebus et Cornelius
Clementis M R 3.3 007385 7 Image
A-KN CCl 589 109v Invenerunt in modum templi
Clementis M V 01 007385a 7 Image
A-KN CCl 589 109v Orante sancto Clemente
Clementis L A 1 004180 7 Image
A-KN CCl 589 109v Vidi supra montem agnum
Clementis L A 2 005408 7 Image
A-KN CCl 589 109v De sub cujus pede fons
Clementis L A 3 002122 7 Image
A-KN CCl 589 109v Invenerunt in modum templi
Clementis L A 4 003395 7 Image
A-KN CCl 589 109v Omnes gentes per gyrum
Clementis L A 5 004124 8 Image
A-KN CCl 589 109v Martyr dei*
Clementis L H 008346 * Image
A-KN CCl 589 109v Dedisti domine habitaculum
Clementis L A B 002132 1 Image
A-KN CCl 589 109v Non meis meritis ad vos
Clementis P A 003924 7 Image
A-KN CCl 589 110r Oremus omnes ad dominum Jesum
Clementis T A 004192 8 Image
A-KN CCl 589 110r Invenerunt*
Clementis S A 003395 * Image
A-KN CCl 589 110r Omnes gentes*
Clementis N A 004124 * Image
A-KN CCl 589 110r Jucundus homo*
Clementis V2 A 1 003510 * Image
A-KN CCl 589 110r Qui dum esset sumus pontifex
Clementis V2 A 1M 002451 1 Image
A-KN CCl 589 110r Dum iter per mare fecisset
Clementis V2 A 2M 002460 * Image
A-KN CCl 589 110r Unus ex duobus*
Andreae V A 1 005279 * Image
A-KN CCl 589 110r Homo dei*
Andreae V R 006868 * Image
A-KN CCl 589 110r Exorta a Bethsaida*
Andreae V H 830114 * Image
A-KN CCl 589 110r Mox ut vocem domini
Andreae V A M 003813 2 Image
A-KN CCl 589 110r Adoremus victoriosissimum
Andreae M I 001019 7 Image
A-KN CCl 589 110r Exsultet*
Andreae M H 008301 * Image
A-KN CCl 589 110r Vidit dominus Petrum et
Andreae M A 1.1 005413 7 Image
A-KN CCl 589 110r Venite post me dicit dominus
Andreae M A 1.2 005357 8 Image
A-KN CCl 589 110v Relictis retibus secuti
Andreae M A 1.3 004607 1 Image
A-KN CCl 589 110v Dum deambularet dominus juxta
Andreae M R 1.1 006554 4 Image
A-KN CCl 589 110v Erant enim piscatores et ait
Andreae M V 01 006554a 4 Image
A-KN CCl 589 110v Mox ut vocem domini
Andreae M R 1.2 007182 3 Image
A-KN CCl 589 110v Ad unius jussionis vocem
Andreae M V 01 007182a 3 Image
A-KN CCl 589 110v Homo dei ducebatur ut
Andreae M R 1.3 006868 2 Image
A-KN CCl 589 110v Cumque carnifices ducerent
Andreae M V 01 006868a 2 Image
A-KN CCl 589 111r Unus ex duobus qui secuti
Andreae M A 2.1 005279 1 Image
A-KN CCl 589 111r Dignum sibi dominus
Andreae M A 2.2 002221 7 Image
A-KN CCl 589 111r Christus me misit ad istam
Andreae M A 2.3 001795 8 Image
A-KN CCl 589 111r Constitues*
Andreae M W 2. 007994 * Image
A-KN CCl 589 111r Salve crux quae in corpore
Andreae M R 2.1 007563 7 Image
A-KN CCl 589 111r O bona crux quamdiu
Andreae M V 01 007563a 7 Image
A-KN CCl 589 111r Doctor bonus et amicus dei
Andreae M R 2.2 006484 3 Image
A-KN CCl 589 111r Salve crux quae in corpore
Andreae M V 01 006484a 3 Image
A-KN CCl 589 111v Dilexit Andream dominus in
Andreae M R 2.3 006451 4 Image
A-KN CCl 589 111v Tu es magister meus Christus
Andreae M V 01 006451a 4 Image
A-KN CCl 589 111v Ego si patibulum crucis
Andreae M A 3.1 002586 7 Image
A-KN CCl 589 111v Recipe me ab hominibus et
Andreae M A 3.2 004575 8 Image
A-KN CCl 589 111v Dilexit Andream dominus in
Andreae M A 3.3 002229 8 Image
A-KN CCl 589 111v Expandi manus meas tota die
Andreae M R 3.1 006698 4 Image
A-KN CCl 589 111v Deus ultionum dominus deus
Andreae M V 01 006698a 4 Image
A-KN CCl 589 112r O bona crux quae decorem et
Andreae M R 3.2 007260 8 Image
A-KN CCl 589 112r Salve crux quae in corpore
Andreae M V 01 007260a 8 Image
A-KN CCl 589 112r Vir iste in populo suo
Andreae M R 3.3 007899 4 Image
A-KN CCl 589 112r Pro eo ut me diligerent
Andreae M V 01 007899a 4S Image
A-KN CCl 589 112r Salve crux pretiosa suscipe
Andreae L A 1 004693 7 Image
A-KN CCl 589 112r Biduo vivens pendebat in
Andreae L A 2 001739 2 Image
A-KN CCl 589 112r Non me permittas domine
Andreae L A 3 003923 8 Image
A-KN CCl 589 112v Beatus Andreas orabat dicens
Andreae L A 4 001610 8 Image
A-KN CCl 589 112v Andreas Christi famulus
Andreae L A 5 001396 8 Image
A-KN CCl 589 112v Ambulans Jesus juxta mare
Andreae L A B 001366 1 Image
A-KN CCl 589 112v Videns Andreas crucem cum
Andreae P A 005383 8 Image
A-KN CCl 589 112v Salve crux quae in corpore
Andreae T A 004694 8 Image
A-KN CCl 589 112v Maximilla Christo amabilis
Andreae S A 003722 8 Image
A-KN CCl 589 112v Qui persequebatur justum
Andreae N A 004492 7 Image
A-KN CCl 589 113r Concede nobis hominem justum
Andreae V2 A 001863 7 Image
A-KN CCl 589 113r Cum pervenisset beatus
Andreae V2 A M 002024 1 Image
A-KN CCl 589 113r Estote fortes in bello et
Comm. Apostolorum V A 1 002684 1 Image
A-KN CCl 589 113r Vos estis sal terrae vos
Comm. Apostolorum V R 602533 1 Image
A-KN CCl 589 113r Videant opera vestra bona et
Comm. Apostolorum V V 01 602533a 1S Image
A-KN CCl 589 113r Gloria patri et filio et
Comm. Apostolorum V V 02 909000 1S Image
A-KN CCl 589 113r Exsultet*
Comm. Apostolorum V H 008301 * Image
A-KN CCl 589 113r Ecce ego mitto vos sicut
Comm. Apostolorum V A M 002512 1 Image
A-KN CCl 589 113v Regem apostolorum dominum
Comm. Apostolorum M I 001125 4 Image
A-KN CCl 589 113v Exsultet*
Comm. Apostolorum M H 008301 * Image
A-KN CCl 589 113v In omnem terram exivit sonus
Comm. Apostolorum M A 1.1 003262 2 Image
A-KN CCl 589 113v Clamaverunt justi et dominus
Comm. Apostolorum M A 1.2 001823 7 Image
A-KN CCl 589 113v Constitues eos principes
Comm. Apostolorum M A 1.3 001902 8 Image
A-KN CCl 589 113v In omnem*
Comm. Apostolorum M W 1. 008097 * Image
A-KN CCl 589 113v Ecce ego mitto vos sicut oves
Comm. Apostolorum M R 1.1 006588 7 Image
A-KN CCl 589 113v Dum lucem habetis credite in
Comm. Apostolorum M V 01 006588a 7 Image
A-KN CCl 589 113v Tollite jugum meum super vos
Comm. Apostolorum M R 1.2 007770 7 Image
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