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Displaying 37901-38000 of 450625 chants

Siglum Folio Incipit/Full Text Feast Service Genre Position Cantus ID Mode FT Mel Image
A-LIb 290 342r Vir inclytus*
Agapiti M R 3.2 007897 * Image
A-LIb 290 342v Gloria et honore*
Agapiti M R 3.3 006776 * Image
A-LIb 290 342v Justum deduxit*
Agapiti M R 3.4 007059 * Image
A-LIb 290 342v Qui me confessus*
Agapiti L A 1 004479 * Image
A-LIb 290 342v Ora pro nobis*
Agapiti L R 007326 * Image
A-LIb 290 342v Sancte Agapite*
Agapiti L H 830308 * Image
A-LIb 290 342v O Christi martyr sancte
Agapiti L A B 203400 ? Image
A-LIb 290 342v Ora pro nobis*
Agapiti P A 004169 * Image
A-LIb 290 342v Sanctus vir Agapitus*
Agapiti T A 004807 * Image
A-LIb 290 342v Sancte Agapite martyr domini
Agapiti S A 204399 ? Image
A-LIb 290 342v Sancte Agapite martyr egregie
Agapiti N A 204400 ? Image
A-LIb 290 342v Jucundus homo*
Agapiti V2 A 1 003510 * Image
A-LIb 290 342v Quid retribuam*
Agapiti V2 A 2 004530 * Image
A-LIb 290 342v Domine libera*
Agapiti V2 A 3 002357 * Image
A-LIb 290 342v Sustinuit*
Agapiti V2 A 4 005094 * Image
A-LIb 290 342v O quam venerandus*
Agapiti V2 A M 004071 * Image
A-LIb 290 342v Regem martyrum*
Agapiti,8 M I 001137 * Image
A-LIb 290 342v Martyr dei*
Agapiti,8 M H 008346 * Image
A-LIb 290 343r Iste sanctus*
Iste sanctus*
Agapiti,8 M A 1 * Image
A-LIb 290 343r Justus germinabit*
Agapiti,8 M A 2 003549 * Image
A-LIb 290 343r Stolam jucunditatis*
Agapiti,8 M A 3 005034 * Image
A-LIb 290 343r Hic vir despiciens*
Agapiti,8 M A 4 003069 * Image
A-LIb 290 343r Qui me confessus*
Agapiti,8 L A 1 004479 * Image
A-LIb 290 343r Beatus vir qui suffert*
Agapiti,8 L A 2 001677 * Image
A-LIb 290 343r Qui vult venire*
Agapiti,8 L A 3 004506 * Image
A-LIb 290 343r Si quis per me*
Agapiti,8 L A 4 004911 * Image
A-LIb 290 343r Iste cognovit*
Agapiti,8 L A 5 003418 * Image
A-LIb 290 343r Justum deduxit*
Agapiti,8 V2 A 1 003542 * Image
A-LIb 290 343r Amavit eum*
Agapiti,8 V2 A 2 001359 * Image
A-LIb 290 343r Coronavit*
Agapiti,8 V2 A 3 001934 * Image
A-LIb 290 343r Magnificavit*
Agapiti,8 V2 A 4 003671 * Image
A-LIb 290 343r Justus autem*
Agapiti,8 V2 A M 003543 * Image
A-LIb 290 344r Hoc est praeceptum*
Agapiti,8 L A 003080 * Image
A-LIb 290 344r Dum steteritis*
Agapiti,8 L A B 002470 * Image
A-LIb 290 344r Juravit dominus*
Agapiti,8 V2 A M 003522 * Image
A-LIb 290 344r Servus meus*
Octava Agapiti V R 007644 * Image
A-LIb 290 344r Deus tuorum militum*
Octava Agapiti V H 008294 * Image
A-LIb 290 344r Collaudabunt*
Octava Agapiti V A M 001851 * Image
A-LIb 290 344r Beati eritis*
Ad Suffragium R A 001580 * Image
A-LIb 290 344r Regem martyrum*
Octava Agapiti M I 001137 * Image
A-LIb 290 344v Justum deduxit*
Octava Agapiti L A 003542 * Image
A-LIb 290 344v Justus cor suum*
Octava Agapiti L A B 003544 * Image
A-LIb 290 344v Jucundus homo*
Octava Agapiti V2 A 003510 * Image
A-LIb 290 344v Hic est vere*
Octava Agapiti V2 A M 003056 * Image
A-LIb 290 344v Juravit dominus*
Augustini V R 007046 * Image
A-LIb 290 344v Iste confessor*
Augustini V H 008323 * Image
A-LIb 290 344v Sacerdos et pontifex*
Augustini V A M 004673 * Image
A-LIb 290 344v Beatus vir qui suffert*
Hermetis V A M 001677 * Image
A-LIb 290 344v Hic vir despiciens*
Pelagii V A M 003069 * Image
A-LIb 290 344v Regem confessorum*
Pelagii M I 001129 * Image
A-LIb 290 344v Hic est vere*
Hermetis L A B 003056 * Image
A-LIb 290 344v Qui vult venire*
Pelagii L A B 004506 * Image
A-LIb 290 344v Juravit dominus*
Pelagii V2 A 003522 * Image
A-LIb 290 344v Iste est qui ante deum*
Pelagii V2 A M 003426 * Image
A-LIb 290 344v Misit Herodes*
Decoll. Jo. Bapt. V R 007167 * Image
A-LIb 290 344v Assertor aequi*
Decoll. Jo. Bapt. V H 008260e * Image
A-LIb 290 344v Justus ut palma*
Decoll. Jo. Bapt. V W 008117 * Image
A-LIb 290 344v Joannes major homine par
Decoll. Jo. Bapt. V A M 202759 ? Image
A-LIb 290 344v Veni sponsa Christi*
Sabinae V A M 005328 * Image
A-LIb 290 344v Regem virginum*
Sabinae M I 001150 * Image
A-LIb 290 344v Martyr dei*
Decoll. Jo. Bapt. M H 008346 * Image
A-LIb 290 345v Misit Herodes rex manus ac
Decoll. Jo. Bapt. M R 3.1 007167 8 Image
A-LIb 290 345v Arguebat Herodem Joannes
Decoll. Jo. Bapt. M V 01 007167a 8 Image
A-LIb 290 345v Joannes Baptista arguebat
Decoll. Jo. Bapt. M R 3.2 007036 4 Image
A-LIb 290 345v Misso Herode spiculatore
Decoll. Jo. Bapt. M V 01 007036a 4 Image
A-LIb 290 345v Metuebat Herodes Joannem
Decoll. Jo. Bapt. M R 3.3 007148 4 Image
A-LIb 290 346r Ille erat lucerna ardens et
Decoll. Jo. Bapt. M V 01 007148a 4 Image
A-LIb 290 346r Accedentes discipuli sancti
Decoll. Jo. Bapt. M R 3.4 006014 1 Image
A-LIb 290 346r Misso Herodes spiculatore
Decoll. Jo. Bapt. M V 01 006014a 1 Image
A-LIb 290 346r Herodes enim tenuit et
Decoll. Jo. Bapt. L A 1 003028 ? Image
A-LIb 290 346r Puellae saltanti imperavit
Decoll. Jo. Bapt. L A 2 004409 ? Image
A-LIb 290 346r Petiit puella caput Joannis
Decoll. Jo. Bapt. L A 3 004277 ? Image
A-LIb 290 346r Domine mi rex da mihi
Decoll. Jo. Bapt. L A 4 002358 ? Image
A-LIb 290 346r Da mihi in disco caput
Decoll. Jo. Bapt. L A 5 002088 * Image
A-LIb 290 346r Laetabitur justus*
Decoll. Jo. Bapt. L R 007063 * Image
A-LIb 290 346r Assertor aequi*
Decoll. Jo. Bapt. L H 008260e * Image
A-LIb 290 346r Misso Herodes spiculatore
Decoll. Jo. Bapt. L A B 003790 ? Image
A-LIb 290 346r Veni electa*
Sabinae L A R 005323 * Image
A-LIb 290 346r Herodes enim tenuit*
Decoll. Jo. Bapt. P A 003028 * Image
A-LIb 290 346r Puellae*
Decoll. Jo. Bapt. T A 004409 * Image
A-LIb 290 346r Misit rex incredulus
Decoll. Jo. Bapt. S A 003788 ? Image
A-LIb 290 346r Interrogatus Joannes ab
Decoll. Jo. Bapt. N A 003380 ? Image
A-LIb 290 346v In medio carceris stabat
Decoll. Jo. Bapt. V2 A M 003254 ? Image
A-LIb 290 346v Isti sunt sancti qui pro*
Felicis, Adaucti V A M 003444 * Image
A-LIb 290 346v Absterget deus*
Felicis, Adaucti M R 1 006013 * Image
A-LIb 290 346v Viri sancti*
Felicis, Adaucti M R 2 007906 * Image
A-LIb 290 346v Tradiderunt*
Felicis, Adaucti M R 3 007772 * Image
A-LIb 290 346v Cum essent in tormentis*
Felicis, Adaucti L A 001998 * Image
A-LIb 290 346v Astiterunt*
Felicis, Adaucti L A B 001505 * Image
A-LIb 290 346v Simile est regnum caelorum*
Verenae V A M 004954 * Image
A-LIb 290 346v Haec est virgo*
Verenae M R 1 006809 * Image
A-LIb 290 346v Dilexisti*
Verenae M R 2 006450 * Image
A-LIb 290 346v Veni electa*
Verenae M R 3 007826 * Image
A-LIb 290 346v Vidi speciosam*
Verenae L A 005407 * Image
A-LIb 290 346v Quinque prudentes*
Verenae L A B 004543 * Image
A-LIb 290 346v Beatus vir qui suffert*
Antonini V A M 001677 * Image
A-LIb 290 346v Hic est vere*
Antonini M R 1 006830 * Image
A-LIb 290 346v Posuit coronam*
Antonini M R 2 007415 * Image
A-LIb 290 346v Gloria et honore*
Antonini M R 3 006776 * Image
A-LIb 290 346v Justum deduxit*
Antonini L A 003541 * Image
Page 380 of 4507