Indicates that the liturgical occasion is unknown or missing due to an erasure in the manuscript or other removal (e.g. fragmentation) of information that was previously present.

Feast Code

Most frequent chants

Displaying 1 - 8 of 8
CantusID Incipit Genres Chants
909000 Gloria patri et filio et V 1
Matt26:00 Passio domini nostri Jesu Christi L 1
Matt26:02 Scitis quia post biduum pascha L 1
Matt26:03 Tunc congregati sunt principes sacerdotum L 1
ah24018E:01 Gaude virgo mater Christi quae SqV 1
ah24018E:03 Gaude quae post Christum scandis SqV 1
ah24018E:04 Gaude qui oblatio regum et SqV 1
ah24018E:05 Gaude Christo ascendente et in SqV 1

Sources containing the feast

Displaying 1 - 3 of 3
Siglum Chants
PL-Kkar Ms.4 (rkp. Perg. 20) 75
Private D:02csu 4
CDN-STCbul RG 394 3