Comm. Apostolorum et Evangelistarum

Common of Apostles and Evangelists

Feast Code

Most frequent chants

Displaying 1 - 5 of 5
CantusID Incipit Genres Chants
008271d.1 Tristes erant apostoli de Christi H 2
a01579 Exsultet orbis gaudiis* H 2
008271h.1 Paschale mundo gaudium sol nuntiat H 1
830011 Aeterna Christi munera apos- H 1
830011.2 Aeterna Christi munera apostolorum gloriam H 1

Sources containing the feast

Displaying 1 - 2 of 2
Siglum Chants
EC-Qsf 4 6
US-Cai 1911.142b 2