Pro tribulatione | Cantus Database

Pro tribulatione

Chants for distress

Feast Code

Most frequent chants

Displaying 1 - 8 of 8
CantusID Incipit Genre Chants
g00632 Adjutor in opportunitatibus* Gr 1
g00741 Tu domine* Cm 1
g01149 Sperent* Of 1
g01197 Alleluia Domine refugium* Al 1
g01233 Salus populi* In 1
g01235 [Si] ambulavero* Of 1
g01240 Memento* Cm 1
g01254 Liberasti nos domine* Gr 1

Sources containing the feast

Displaying 1 - 2 of 2
Siglum Chants
CH-P 18 5
US-RiCTpc D-0b3z1 3