Clavis Sequentiarum (Calvin Bower)

Displaying 12901-13000 of 16854
Siglum Text incipit Rubrics AH Cantus ID Notes:1 Notes:2 Notes:3
GB-Ob MS. Canon. Liturg. 354
60r b11
Exultemus et letemus hodie gloriemur [Margarete] 55:313 ah55313
GB-Ob MS. Canon. Liturg. 354
60r b12
Diem festum bartholomei Bartholomei 53:128 ah53128
GB-Ob MS. Canon. Liturg. 354
60v b13
Sicut passer solitarius Egidii 54:25 ah54025
GB-Ob MS. Canon. Liturg. 354
61r b14
De profundis tenebrarum Augustini 55:75 ah55075
GB-Ob MS. Canon. Liturg. 354
61r b15
Clarum sydus fulget mundo Leonhardi 10:319 ah10319
GB-Ob MS. Canon. Liturg. 354
61v b16
Gaude syon quod egressus Elizabeth 55:120 ah55120
GB-Ob MS. Canon. Liturg. 354
62v b17
Hodierne festum lucis Incipitur officium de spinea corona (62r) ... 54:140 ah54140
GB-Ob MS. Canon. Liturg. 354
63r b18
[O] beata beatorum [none] 55:14 ah55014
GB-Ob MS. Canon. Liturg. 354
63r b19
[R]ex oswaldus ab anglorum regno regnis angelorum [none] 55:273 ah55273
GB-Ob MS. Canon. Liturg. 354
64v b20
Conceptio marie virginis [none legible] 54:188 ah54188
GB-Ob MS. Canon. Liturg. 354
66r b21
Mittit ad virginem [none] 54:191 ah54191
GB-Ob MS. Canon. Liturg. 354
125v b22
Sanctissime virginis votiva festa [none] 55:203 ah55203
GB-Ob MS. Canon. Liturg. 354
125v b23
Salve saphiri medicina. adamantis retentina [none, but Barbara] 40:161 ah40161
GB-Ob MS. Canon. Liturg. 354
125v b24
Beatam virginem. laudemus 40:159 ah40159
GB-Ob MS. Bodley 775
122r s01
e01 [Musa—Caelica resonet]
GB-Ob MS. Bodley 775
122r s02
e02 Beatus vir Stephanus
GB-Ob MS. Bodley 775
122r s03
e03 Iustus Iohannes ut palma florebit in caelo
GB-Ob MS. Bodley 775
122v s04
De innocentium. agminibus e04 Pura deum laudet innocentia
GB-Ob MS. Bodley 775
122r s05
e05 Multifariae
GB-Ob MS. Bodley 775
122v s06
In epiphania Xpi e06 Chorus.
GB-Ob MS. Bodley 775
122r s07
e07 Adorabo [minor]
GB-Ob MS. Bodley 775
123r s08
e08 <Rex in aeternum> Fulgens preclara
GB-Ob MS. Bodley 775
123v s09
e10 Pascha nostrum . Xps est
GB-Ob MS. Bodley 775
123v s10
e09 Eduxit dominus
GB-Ob MS. Bodley 775
123v s11
e11 Citharis organicisque deum modulemur ornanter
GB-Ob MS. Bodley 775
124r s12
e12 Benedicta sit maiestas domini
GB-Ob MS. Bodley 775
124r s13
e13 Mater sequentiarum
GB-Ob MS. Bodley 775
124r s14
e14 Sanctus Petrus apostolus
GB-Ob MS. Bodley 775
124rv s15
e15 In omnem terram (124r)
GB-Ob MS. Bodley 775
124v s16
e17 Hodie Maria virgo
GB-Ob MS. Bodley 775
124v s17
e18 Post partum virgo mansisti
GB-Ob MS. Bodley 775
124v s18
e19 Maris stella
GB-Ob MS. Bodley 775
124v-125r s19
e20 Angelica
GB-Ob MS. Bodley 775
125r s20
e21 <Iam nunc intonant preconia> Pretiosa
GB-Ob MS. Bodley 775
125r s21
e35 Quoniam deus maior et inferior
GB-Ob MS. Bodley 775
125v s22
e34 Quoniam deus. minor et excelsior
GB-Ob MS. Bodley 775
125v s23
e24 Letabitur iustus
GB-Ob MS. Bodley 775
125v s24
e23 Iustus ut palma inferior
GB-Ob MS. Bodley 775
126r s25
e25 Mirabilis deus
GB-Ob MS. Bodley 775
126r s26
e26 Iusti epulentur
GB-Ob MS. Bodley 775
126r s27
e22 Lira pulchra
GB-Ob MS. Bodley 775
126r s28
e40 Ecce quam bonum
GB-Ob MS. Bodley 775
126v s29
e43 Tympanum
GB-Ob MS. Bodley 775
126v s30
e46 <Via lux veritas paxque> Via. Lux. Veritas
GB-Ob MS. Bodley 775
126v s31
e16 Hieronima
GB-Ob MS. Bodley 775
127r s32
e27 Adducentur
GB-Ob MS. Bodley 775
127r s33
e28 Ostende minor
GB-Ob MS. Bodley 775
127r s34
e29 Ostende maior
GB-Ob MS. Bodley 775
127r s35
e30 Letatus sum
GB-Ob MS. Bodley 775
127v s36
e31 Excita dne
GB-Ob MS. Bodley 775
127v s37
e32 Dominus regnavit
GB-Ob MS. Bodley 775
127v s38
e38 Tuba. vel Fistula
GB-Ob MS. Bodley 775
127v s39
e41 Stans a longe
GB-Ob MS. Bodley 775
127v s40
e45 Dulce lignum
GB-Ob MS. Bodley 775
127v s41
e39 Ploratus
GB-Ob MS. Bodley 775
128r s42
e37 Laudent te pie
GB-Ob MS. Bodley 775
128r s43
e47 Omnes sancti
GB-Ob MS. Bodley 775
128r s44
e42 Tractus iocularis
GB-Ob MS. Bodley 775
128r s45
e48 Bucca excelsa
GB-Ob MS. Bodley 775
128r s46
e44 Vaga. varia
GB-Ob MS. Bodley 775
128v s47
e50 <Suscipe laus angelorum> Adorabo maior
GB-Ob MS. Bodley 775
128v s48
e49 Berta vetula
GB-Ob MS. Bodley 775
129r s49
e51 Scalam ad caelos
GB-Ob MS. Bodley 775
129r s50
e52 Sequentia Candidi planctus cigni
GB-Ob MS. Bodley 775
129r s51
e36 Sequentia Dne refugium
GB-Ob MS. Bodley 775
1r t+01
Gaude virgo mater ecclesia Xpo que nuptiale copula [none] 9:47 ah09047
GB-Ob MS. Bodley 775
1v t+02
Gaude virgo ecclesia [X]pi et tuas [none] 40:6 ah40006 e18
GB-Ob MS. Bodley 775
129r t+03
Laudes deo devotas [D]ulci voce ac sonora [none] 54:14 ah54014
GB-Ob MS. Bodley 775
129v t+04
Sonent regi nato nova cantica [none] 50:212 ah50212 d09
GB-Ob MS. Bodley 775
130r t+05
Clare sanctorum senatus [none] 53:228 ah53228 d38
GB-Ob MS. Bodley 775
130v t+06
Clara cantemur sonoiter cantica De sancto andrea apostolo 40:140 ah40140 e15
GB-Ob MS. Bodley 775
131r t+07
Alle cantabile sonet chorus De sancto Bartholomeo apostolo 53:129 ah53129 e05 Multiphariae
GB-Ob MS. Bodley 775
131v t+08
Magnus deus in universa terra [none] 53:220 ah53220 fc72
GB-Ob MS. Bodley 775
132r t+09
Alleluia. Fulget dies iocunda in qua xpi gaudet aecclesia [none] 40:256 ah40256 e24
GB-Ob MS. Bodley 775
133r t+10
Celsa pueri concrepent melodia [none] 53:162 ah53162 e11
GB-Ob MS. Bodley 775
133v t+11
Sancti spiritus adsit nobis gratia [none] 53:70 ah53070 d28
GB-Ob MS. Bodley 775
134v t+12
Gaudens xpi praesentia iocunda [none] 40:337 ah40337 e34
GB-Ob MS. Bodley 775
135r t+13
[A]urea virga prime matris evae [none] 7:107 ah07107 fs0815a
GB-Ob MS. Bodley 775
136r t01
Celica resonant clare canemas agminas 7:21 ah07021 e01
GB-Ob MS. Bodley 775
137r t02
Gloriosa dies adest qua processit Sequentiarum. (136v) 53:219 ah53219 e02 Beatus vir (136v) Alleluia
GB-Ob MS. Bodley 775
137v t03
Laus armoniae resultet alleluia Prosae ad sequentia de sancto Iohanne evangelista 40:252 ah40252 e03
GB-Ob MS. Bodley 775
138r t04
Organicis modulis canimus Iohannis sollempnia Item prosae de sancto Iohanne evangelista 53:242 ah53242 e03
GB-Ob MS. Bodley 775
139r t05
Pura deum laudet innocentia Sequentia de innocentibus (138v) 40:237 ah40237 e04
GB-Ob MS. Bodley 775
139v t06
Nato canunt omnia domino piae agmina 53:24 ah53024 e05 Sequentia Multiphariae
GB-Ob MS. Bodley 775
140r t07
Epiphaniam domino canamus gloriosam In epiphania 53:28 ah53028 e06 Sequentia Chorus
GB-Ob MS. Bodley 775
141r t08
Claris vocibus inclita cane turma sacra Prosa de sequentia de sancta maria 53:101 ah53101 e07 Adorabo
GB-Ob MS. Bodley 775
142r t09
Fulgens preclara rutilat per orbem 53:35 ah53035 e08 Sequentia Fulgens praeclara
GB-Ob MS. Bodley 775
143v t10
Prome casta contio carmina organa 53:49 ah53049 e09 Prosa Eduxit dominus
GB-Ob MS. Bodley 775
144r t11
Pange turma corde vultu xpo preconia 40:22 ah40022 e10 Prosa Eduxit dominus (sic)
GB-Ob MS. Bodley 775
145r t12
Rex omnipotens die hodierna De ascensione domini 53:66 ah53066 e11 Prosa ad S1 Cithara
GB-Ob MS. Bodley 775
146r t13
Benedicta sit beata trinitas In pretiosa sollemnitate pentecostes 7:96 ah07096 e12
GB-Ob MS. Bodley 775
147r t14
Alle caeleste necnon et perenne luia 53:97 ah53097 e13 Prosa ad Mater sequentiarum
GB-Ob MS. Bodley 775
148r t15
Exulta caelum letare terra In natali sancti Iohannis baptistae 9:243 ah09243 e13
GB-Ob MS. Bodley 775
149v t16
Agmina leta plaudant celica 40:315 ah40315 e14 Prosa ad sequentiam Sanctus Petrus
GB-Ob MS. Bodley 775
150v t17
Sanctus Petrus magnus Paulus De principibus lauripotentibus Petro summo ac Paulo celso 7:181 ah07181 e14
GB-Ob MS. Bodley 775
152r t18
Gaude (sic) iocunda melos turma 53:211 ah53211 e15 Prosa ad sequentiam Sanctus Petrus
GB-Ob MS. Bodley 775
153r t19
Aureo flore prime matris ...Sancte Marie 53:106 ah53106 e17 Hodie ...
GB-Ob MS. Bodley 775
154r t20
Hac clara die turma festiva dat preconia 53:98 ah53098 e18 De sancta regina ad Post partum marie
GB-Ob MS. Bodley 775
154v t21
Salve porta perpetuae lucis fulgida 53:108 ah53108 e19 Prosa ad sequentiam de Salve Prota Santa Maria ad Maris stella
GB-Ob MS. Bodley 775
155r t22
Candida contio melos concrepa Prosa ad sequentiam de sancto [Germano] ad 53:244 ah53244 e20 Angelica
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