London (Ontario), Private collections, D-01oko (fragment) | Cantus Database

London (Ontario), Private collections, D-01oko (fragment)

CDN-LonONpc D-01oko (fragment)
Single parchment leaf from a gradual. Black square notation on four-line red staves with F- and C-clefs. 5 staves per folio side. Paper paste-overs cover sections of the original melody on the recto side. Rounded, humanistic script. Minimally-decorated initials alternating in blue and red inks. 409 x 307 mm, with a principal writing-space of 309 x 206 mm.
Liturgical Occasions

3 chants, likely from Comm. unius Martyris


Rubrics, in red ink for an Offertory and a Communion, reveal that this leaf was from a gradual containing the sung liturgy for the Mass. Four paper paste-overs are affixed to staves on the recto side (which has the number '75' in the upper right-hand corner). These paper paste-overs cover sections of the melody, presumably simplifying the chants and reflecting melodic changes, possibly post-Council of Trent. There are no obvious changes to the texts. The ink has eaten away the paper leaving square-shaped holes, but the parchment is not showing signs of damage.

The recto side shows signs of glue residue on its edges; it may have been a pastedown at some point in its life.

Acquired from a vendor at a travelling Christmas bazaar in Illinois c. 1984. Currently in the private collection of A. Santosuosso (2024).

Notes on the Inventory
The inventory for CDN-LonONpc D-01oko (fragment) was entered by Debra Lacoste (Dalhousie University) and proofread by Anna de Bakker (Dalhousie University).
Full Texts Entered by
Debra Lacoste
Melodies Entered by
Debra Lacoste
Complete/Partial Inventory
Complete Inventory
Full Source/Fragment
Fragment or Fragmented
Fragment ID