Browse Chants | Cantus Database

Browse Chants

Displaying 1-24 of 24 chants
Siglum Folio Incipit / Full text Feast CantusID Mode
GB-AB 20541 E 037r 1 Reges Tharsis et insulae

Epiphania S R 007522 r
GB-AB 20541 E 037r 2 Reges Arabum et Saba dona

Epiphania S V 01 007522a r
GB-AB 20541 E 037r 3 Adorate dominum*

Epiphania S W 007938 *
GB-AB 20541 E 037r 4 Tria sunt*

Epiphania N A 005181 *
GB-AB 20541 E 037r 5 Adorate dominum alleluia

Epiphania N R 006047 r
GB-AB 20541 E 037r 6 In aula sancta ejus

Epiphania N V 01 006047a r
GB-AB 20541 E 037r 7 Adorate deum*

Epiphania N W 007938 *
GB-AB 20541 E 037r 8 Tecum principium*

Epiphania V2 A 1 005127 *
GB-AB 20541 E 037r 9 Tria sunt*

Epiphania V2 R 007777 *
GB-AB 20541 E 037r 10 Hostis Herodes*

Hostis Herodes*

Epiphania V2 H 008248:24 *
GB-AB 20541 E 037r 11 Omnes de Saba venient

Epiphania V2 W 008159 *
GB-AB 20541 E 037r 12 Ab oriente venerunt magi in

Epiphania V2 A M 001205 8
GB-AB 20541 E 037r 13 Christus apparuit nobis

Epiphania,8 M I 001054 4
GB-AB 20541 E 037r 14 Hostis Herodes*

Hostis Herodes*

Epiphania,8 M H 008248:24 *
GB-AB 20541 E 037r 15 Afferte domino*

Epiphania,8 M A 1 001303 *
GB-AB 20541 E 037r 16 Homo natus*

Epiphania,8 M A 6 003130 *
GB-AB 20541 E 037r 17 Omnes de Saba venient

Epiphania,8 M W 008159 *
GB-AB 20541 E 037r 18 Homo natus est in ea et ipse

Epiphania,8 M A 6 003130 *
GB-AB 20541 E 037r 19 Illuminare*

Die 2 p. Epiphaniam M R 1 006882 *
GB-AB 20541 E 037r 20 Omnes de Saba venient*

Die 2 p. Epiphaniam M R 2 007314 *
GB-AB 20541 E 037r 21 Reges Tharsis*

Die 2 p. Epiphaniam M R 3 007523 *
GB-AB 20541 E 037r 22 Te deum laudamus*

Epiphania,8 M 909010 *
GB-AB 20541 E 037r 23 Omnes de Saba*

Epiphania,8 M W 008159 *
GB-AB 20541 E 037r 24 Ante luciferum*

Epiphania,8 L A 001434 *
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