Browse Chants

Displaying 1-28 of 28 chants.
Folio Incipit / Full text Feast CantusID Mode
295r 2 Gloria patri et filio et

Scholasticae M V 909000 6S Image
350r 1 Diffusa est gratia*

Scholasticae V R 006445 * Image
350r 2 Jesu corona*

Scholasticae V H 008330 * Image
350r 3 Adjuvabit eam deus*

Scholasticae V W 007934 * Image
350r 4 Sanctimonialis autem femina

Scholasticae V A M 004749 6T Image
350r 5 Regem virginum*

Scholasticae M I 001151 * Image
350r 6 Virginis proles*

Scholasticae M H 008411 * Image
350r 7 Ante torum*

Scholasticae M A 1.1 001438 * Image
350r 8 Diffusa est*

Scholasticae M R 1.1 006446 * Image
350r 9 Specie tua et pulchritudinem*

Scholasticae M R 1.2 007680 * Image
350r 10 Veni electa*

Scholasticae M R 1.3 007826 * Image
350r 11 Benedictus quam devotas*

Scholasticae M R 1.4 600304 * Image
350r 12 Dum esset rex*

Scholasticae M A 2.1 002450 * Image
350r 13 Dilexisti justitiam*

Scholasticae M R 2.1 006450 * Image
350r 14 Pulchra facie*

Scholasticae M R 2.2 007452 * Image
350r 15 Haec est virgo sapiens*

Scholasticae M R 2.3 006807 * Image
350r 16 Regnum mundi*

Scholasticae M R 2.4 007524 * Image
350v 1 Inventa*

Scholasticae M A 3. 003396 * Image
350v 2 Adjuvabit eam*

Scholasticae M W 3. 007934 * Image
350v 3 Induit me*

Scholasticae M R 3.1 006955 * Image
350v 4 Quinque prudentes*

Scholasticae M R 3.2 007496 * Image
350v 5 Offerrentur*

Scholasticae M R 3.3 007312 * Image
350v 6 Cumque sanctus Benedictus*

Scholasticae M R 3.4 006382 * Image
350v 7 Ante torum*

Scholasticae V2 A 1 001438 * Image
350v 8 Diffusa est gratia*

Scholasticae V2 R 006445 * Image
350v 9 Jesu corona*

Scholasticae V2 H 008330 * Image
350v 10 Adjuvabit eam*

Scholasticae V2 W 007934 * Image
350v 11 Simile est regnum caelorum*

Scholasticae V2 A M 004956 * Image
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