Browse Chants | Cantus Database

Browse Chants

Displaying 1-6 of 6 chants
Siglum Folio Incipit / Full text Feast CantusID Mode
F-AS 465 (CGM 893) 068v 1 Omnes nationes venient a

Epiphania M A 2.5 004128 7 Image
F-AS 465 (CGM 893) 068v 2 Venient ad te qui detrahebant

Epiphania M A 2.6 005331 8 Image
F-AS 465 (CGM 893) 068v 3 Adorate dominum

Epiphania M W 2. 007937 * Image
F-AS 465 (CGM 893) 068v 4 Magi veniunt ab oriente

Epiphania M R 2.1 007112 8 Image
F-AS 465 (CGM 893) 068v 5 Vidimus stellam ejus in

Epiphania M V 01 007112a 8 Image
F-AS 465 (CGM 893) 068v 6 Interrogabat magos Herodes

Epiphania M R 2.2 006981 4 Image
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