Bamberg, Staatsbibliothek, Msc.Lit.25 (olim Ed.IV.11)

Cantus Siglum
D-BAs Msc.Lit.25 (olim Ed.IV.11)
Holding Institution
Bamberg, Staatsbibliothek (D-BAs)
Late-thirteenth-century antiphoner from Bamberg Cathedral (Bamberg, Germany). 24.5 x 17 cm. German notation on a four-line staff; F and C clefs. Cathedral cursus. 151 folios. Twenty-nine lacunae.
Liturgical Occasions

Ff. 1-55: Winter Temporale and Sanctorale. 1r-12v, First through Fourth Sundays of Advent; lacuna; 13r-16v, Stephen; lacuna; 17r-20v, John to Holy Innocents; lacuna; 21r-23v, Circumcision to Epiphany; lacuna; 24r-30v, Ferial Office (Tuesday) to Agnes; lacuna; 31r-32v, Purification; lacuna; 33r-36v, Agatha, Gregory; lacuna; 37r-39v, Gregory, Benedict; lacuna; 40r-42v, Septuagesima; lacuna; 43r, Ash Wednesday; lacuna; 44r-47v, First through Second Sundays of Lent; lacuna; 48, Second Sunday of Lent; lacuna; 49, Palm Sunday; lacuna; 50r-51v, Holy Week; lacuna; 52r-53v, Good Friday; lacuna; 54r-55v, Holy Saturday; lacuna.
Ff. 56-110v: Summer Temporale and Sanctorale. 56r-59v, Paschaltide; lacuna; 60, Common of Saints in Eastertide; lacuna; 61, Philip and James, Finding of the Cross; lacuna; 62r-66v, Finding of the Cross to Ascension; lacuna; 67, Pentecost; lacuna; 69r, Trinity; 71v-77v, John the Baptist to Peter and Paul; lacuna; 78r-91v, Mary Magdalene to Assumption (83r-87r, Afra; 87r, Laurence); lacuna; 92r-96v, Assumption to Nativity of Mary; lacuna; 97r-99v, Translation of Kunegunde; lacuna; 100r-103v, Martin to Cecilia; lacuna; 104r-110r, Catherine to Nicholas.
Ff. 110v-122v: Common of Saints. 110v, Apostles; 112v, Martyrs; 115v, Single Martyr; 117v, Single Confessor; 120v, Virgins.
Ff. 122v-124v: Dedication of a Church (lacuna between folios 123 and 124). Ff. 125r-139r: Summer Histories (lacunae between folios 136 and 137, and 138 and 139). Ff. 139r-144v: Sundays after Pentecost. Ff. 145r-146v: Office for the Dead (lacuna between folios 145 and 146). Ff. 146r-151v: Invitatory Tones.


Five manuscripts of the Bamberg tradition survive (Bamberg, lit. 22, 23, 24, 25, 26). Bamberg, lit. 23 was used by Hesbert in his Corpus Antiphonalium Officii (it is his manuscript "B"), but of these five manuscripts, only Bamberg, lit. 25 is written in staff notation (the other four consist of non-diastematic neumes). As the only one transcribable into modern notation, it is a valuable key to the musical tradition of Bamberg. Unfortunately, Bamberg, lit. 25 is incomplete; numerous folios are missing from the codex. Nevertheless, it has its treasures: most notably, the Office of Afra (83r-87r) and the Translation of Kunegunde (97r-99v). The latter is printed in full in Analecta hymnica, vol. 26, pp. 224-227.

Differentiae are designated by a letter that indicates the pitch on which the differentia ends; where necessary, additional numbers are used to distinguish differentiae of the same mode that end on the same pitch.

Each chant not found in CAO is assigned an arbitrary number prefixed by "bam".

Selected Bibliography

  • Collamore, Lila and Metzinger, Joseph P.. The Bamberg Antiphoner Staatsbibliothek, lit. 25. With an introduction by Ruth Steiner. Washington, D.C.: Catholic University of America, 1990.
  • Steiner, Ruth. "An Index to the Bamberg Antiphoner Staatsbibliothek, lit. 25." In International Musicological Society Study Group Cantus Planus: Papers Read at the Fourth Meeting, Pecs, Hungary, 3-8 September 1990, ed. Laszlo Dobszay, et al., 599-605. Budapest: Hungarian Academy of Sciences, 1990.

Notes on the Inventory
The index for D-BAs lit. 25 was prepared by Lila Collamore and Joseph P. Metzinger (The Catholic University of America).
Full/Partial Inventory
Full Inventory
Complete Source/Fragment
Complete (or mostly complete)