Browse Chants

Displaying 1-8 of 8 chants.
Folio Incipit / Full text Feast CantusID Mode
024r 1 Omnes nationes venient a

Epiphania E A 4 004128 ?
024r 2 Admoniti magi in somnis ab

Epiphania E A 5 001284 ?
024r 3 Lux de luce apparuisti

Epiphania E A 6 003649 ?
024r 4 Ordines angelorum videntes

Octava Epiphaniae V A M 004189 ?
024r 5 Veterem hominem renovans

Octava Epiphaniae L A 1 005373 ?
024r 6 Te qui in spiritu et igne

Octava Epiphaniae L A 2 005122 ?
024r 7 Baptista contremuit et non

Octava Epiphaniae L A 3 001552 ?
024r 8 Caput draconis salvator

Octava Epiphaniae L A 4 001768 ?
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