Browse Chants | Cantus Database

Browse Chants

Displaying 1-11 of 11 chants
Siglum Folio Incipit / Full text Feast CantusID Mode
I-CHV s.c. 066r 1 Isti sunt sermones quos

Fer. 3 p. Pascha E A 6 003445 ?
I-CHV s.c. 066r 2 Oportebat pati Christum et

Fer. 3 p. Pascha E A 7 004163 ?
I-CHV s.c. 066r 3 Surrexit dominus vere*

Fer. 4 p. Pascha M I 001166 *
I-CHV s.c. 066r 4 Alleluia*


Fer. 4 p. Pascha M A 1. *
I-CHV s.c. 066r 5 Surrexit dominus vere

Fer. 4 p. Pascha M W 1. 008213 *
I-CHV s.c. 066r 6 Ecce vicit leo de tribus Juda

Fer. 4 p. Pascha M R 1 006616 ?
I-CHV s.c. 066r 7 Et unus de senioribus dixit

Fer. 4 p. Pascha M V 01 006616a *
I-CHV s.c. 066r 8 Isti sunt agni novelli qui

Fer. 4 p. Pascha M R 2 007012 ?
I-CHV s.c. 066r 9 Ecce praecedit vos in

Fer. 4 p. Pascha M V 01 007012c *
I-CHV s.c. 066r 10 De ore prudentis procedit mel

Fer. 4 p. Pascha M R 3 006396 ?
I-CHV s.c. 066r 11 Quam dulcia faucibus meis

Fer. 4 p. Pascha M V 01 006396a *
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