Browse Chants

Displaying 1-11 of 11 chants.
Folio Incipit / Full text Feast CantusID Mode
102r 1 Surge domine in requiem tuam

Surge domine in requiem tuam tu et arca sanctificationis tuae

In tempore Paschae M V 01 006069a 1 Image
102r 2 Quem quaeris*

Quem quaeris*

In tempore Paschae M R 4 007468 * Image
102r 3 Narrabo nomen tuum fratribus meis

Narrabo nomen tuum fratribus meis alleluia in medio ecclesiae laudabo te alleluia alleluia

In tempore Paschae M R 5 007194 2 Image
102r 4 Qui timetis dominum laudate eum

Qui timetis dominum laudate eum universum semen Jacob magnificate eum

In tempore Paschae M V 01 007194a 2 Image
102r 5 Hymnum cantate nobis alleluia quomodo

Hymnum cantate nobis alleluia quomodo cantabimus canticum domini in terra aliena alleluia alleluia

In tempore Paschae M R 6 006872 8 Image
102r 6 Super flumina*

Super flumina*

In tempore Paschae M V 01 006872a 8 Image
102r 7 Deus canticum novum cantabo tibi

Deus canticum novum cantabo tibi alleluia in psalterio decem chordarum psallam tibi alleluia alleluia

In tempore Paschae M R 7 006419 8 Image
102r 8 Qui das salutem regibus qui

Qui das salutem regibus qui liberasti David servum tuum de gladio maligno

In tempore Paschae M V 01 006419a 8 Image
102r 9 Noli flere Maria alleluia alleluia

Noli flere Maria alleluia alleluia

In tempore Paschae M R 8 007220 r Image
102r 10 Resurrexit dominus

Resurrexit dominus

In tempore Paschae M V 01 007220a r Image
102r 11 In ecclesiis benedicite deo alleluia

In ecclesiis benedicite deo alleluia domino de fontibus Israel alleluia alleluia alleluia

In tempore Paschae M R 9 006901 4 Image
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