Browse Chants | Cantus Database

Browse Chants

Displaying 1-15 of 15 chants
Siglum Folio Incipit / Full text Feast CantusID Mode
CH-E 611 217v 1 Metuebat Herodes Joannem sciens eum

Metuebat Herodes Joannem sciens eum virum justum et sanctum et custodiebat eum

Decoll. Jo. Bapt. V R 007150 7 Image
CH-E 611 217v 2 Et audito eo multa faciebat

Et audito eo multa faciebat et libenter eum audiebat

Decoll. Jo. Bapt. V V 01 007150a 7 Image
CH-E 611 217v 3 Gloria et honore*

Gloria et honore*

Decoll. Jo. Bapt. V W 008081 r Image
CH-E 611 217v 4 Arguebat Herodem Joannes propter Herodiadem

Arguebat Herodem Joannes propter Herodiadem quam tulerat fratri suo Philippi uxorem

Decoll. Jo. Bapt. V A M 001482 1 Image
CH-E 611 217v 5 Iste sanctus*

Iste sanctus*

Decoll. Jo. Bapt. M R 1.1 007010 * Image
CH-E 611 217v 6 Desiderium*


Decoll. Jo. Bapt. M R 1.2 006412 * Image
CH-E 611 217v 7 Stolam*


Decoll. Jo. Bapt. M R 1.3 007710 * Image
CH-E 611 217v 8 Cibavit*


Decoll. Jo. Bapt. M R 1.4 006281 * Image
CH-E 611 217v 9 Fuit homo*

Fuit homo*

Decoll. Jo. Bapt. M R 2.1 006750 * Image
CH-E 611 217v 10 Hic praecursor*

Hic praecursor*

Decoll. Jo. Bapt. M R 2.2 006837 * Image
CH-E 611 217v 11 Inter natos*

Inter natos*

Decoll. Jo. Bapt. M R 2.3 006979 * Image
CH-E 611 217v 12 Metuebat*


Decoll. Jo. Bapt. M R 2.4 007150 * Image
CH-E 611 217v 13 Herodes funestus jussit interficere et

Herodes funestus jussit interficere et afferri caput Joannis in disco

Decoll. Jo. Bapt. M A 3. 003030 1 Image
CH-E 611 217v 14 Justus ut palma*

Justus ut palma*

Decoll. Jo. Bapt. M W 3. 008117 r Image
CH-E 611 217v 15 Misit Herodes rex manus ac

Misit Herodes rex manus ac tenuit Joannem et vinxit eum in carcerem quia metuebat eum propter Herodiadem quam tulerat fratris sui Philippi uxorem

Decoll. Jo. Bapt. M R 3.1 007167 8 Image
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