Browse Chants

Displaying 1-13 of 13 chants.
Folio Incipit / Full text Feast CantusID Mode
021v 4 Alleluia alleluia alleluia

Alleluia alleluia alleluia

Fer. 4 in Letaniis M I 001023 * Image
021v 5 Alleluia Cito euntes*

Alleluia Cito euntes*

Fer. 4 in Letaniis M A 1. * Image
021v 6 Resurrexit dominus*

Resurrexit dominus*

Fer. 4 in Letaniis M W 1. 008185 * Image
021v 7 Cantate deo*

Cantate deo*

Fer. 4 in Letaniis M R 1.1 006268 * Image
021v 8 Bonum est*

Bonum est*

Fer. 4 in Letaniis M R 1.2 006256 * Image
021v 9 Dicant nunc*

Dicant nunc*

Fer. 4 in Letaniis M R 1.3 006438 * Image
021v 10 Alleluia* (Oportebat)

Alleluia* (Oportebat)

Fer. 4 in Letaniis M A 2. * Image
021v 11 Surrexit dominus vere*

Surrexit dominus vere*

Fer. 4 in Letaniis M W 2. 008213 * Image
021v 12 Alleluia Et respicientes*

Alleluia Et respicientes*

Fer. 4 in Letaniis L A * Image
021v 13 Surrexit Christus*

Surrexit Christus*

Fer. 4 in Letaniis L W 008211 * Image
022r 1 Exivi a patre*

Exivi a patre*

Fer. 4 in Letaniis L A B 201723 * Image
022r 2 Alleluia Mane nobiscum*

Alleluia Mane nobiscum*

Fer. 4 in Letaniis N A * Image
022r 3 Exaltare domine*

Exaltare domine*

Fer. 4 in Letaniis N W 008061 * Image
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