Browse Chants

Displaying 1-7 of 7 chants.
Folio Incipit / Full text Feast CantusID Mode
001r 1 Veni sancte spiritus reple tuorum

Veni sancte spiritus reple tuorum corda fidelium et tui amoris in eis ignem accende qui per diversitatem linguarum gentes in unitatem fidei congregasti alleluia alleluia

Dom. Pentecostes V A 1 005327 5 Image
001r 2 Apparuerunt apostolis*

Apparuerunt apostolis*

Dom. Pentecostes V R 006110 * Image
001r 3 Veni creator*

Veni creator*

Dom. Pentecostes V H 008407 * Image
001r 4 Loquebantur variis linguis apostoli*

Loquebantur variis linguis apostoli*

Dom. Pentecostes V W 008126 * Image
001r 5 Non vos relinquam orphanos alleluia

Non vos relinquam orphanos alleluia vado et venio ad vos alleluia et gaudebit cor vestrum alleluia

Dom. Pentecostes V A M 003941 1 Image
001r 6 Veni creator*

Veni creator*

Dom. Pentecostes C H 008407 Image
001r 7 Alleluia spiritus paraclitus alleluia docebit

Alleluia spiritus paraclitus alleluia docebit vos omnia alleluia alleluia

Dom. Pentecostes C A N 001354 ? Image
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