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Displaying 1-10 of 10 chants.
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005v 1 Apparuerunt*


Octava Pentecostes V R 006110 * Image
005v 2 Veni creator*

Veni creator*

Octava Pentecostes V H 008407 * Image
005v 3 Ultimo festivitatis die dicebat Jesus

Ultimo festivitatis die dicebat Jesus qui in me credit flumina de ventre ejus fluent aquae vivae hoc autem dixit de spiritu quem accepturi erant credentes in eum alleluia

Octava Pentecostes V A M 005263 6 Image
005v 4 Dum complerentur*

Dum complerentur*

Octava Pentecostes M R 1 006536 * Image
005v 5 Repleti sunt*

Repleti sunt*

Octava Pentecostes M R 2 007531 * Image
005v 6 Apparuerunt*


Octava Pentecostes M R 3 006110 * Image
005v 7 Nisi quis renatus fuerit ex

Nisi quis renatus fuerit ex aqua et spiritu non potest introire in regnum dei quia quod natum est de carne caro est et quod natum est de spiritu spiritus est alleluia alleluia

Octava Pentecostes V2 A 1 003884 3 Image
005v 8 Spiritus ubi vult spirat et

Spiritus ubi vult spirat et vocem ejus audis alleluia et nescis unde veniat aut quo vadat alleluia alleluia

Octava Pentecostes V2 A 2 005008 * Image
005v 9 Hodie completi sunt*

Hodie completi sunt*

Octava Pentecostes V2 A M 003096 * Image
005v 10 Descendit angelus domini ad Zachariam

Descendit angelus domini ad Zachariam dicens accipe puerum in senectute tua et habebit nomen Joannes Baptista

Joannis Baptistae V A 1 002156 7 Image
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