Browse Chants

Displaying 1-3 of 3 chants.
Folio Incipit / Full text Feast CantusID Mode
218v 1 Angelis suis deus mandavit de

Angelis suis deus mandavit de te

Sabbato post Cineres V2 W 007945 * Image
218v 2 Ecce nunc tempus acceptabile ecce

Ecce nunc tempus acceptabile ecce nunc dies salutis in his ergo diebus exhibeamus nos sicut dei ministros in multa patientia in vigiliis in jejuniis et in caritate non ficta

Sabbato post Cineres V2 A M 002532 8 Image
218v 3 Christe qui lux es et

Christe qui lux es et dies noctis tenebras detegis lucisque lumen crederis lumen beatum praedicans

In tempore Quad. C H 830070 Image
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