Browse Chants

Displaying 1-9 of 9 chants.
Folio Incipit / Full text Feast CantusID Mode
426r 1 Jesu corona*

Jesu corona*

Agnetis L H 008330 * Image
426r 2 Elegit eam deus*

Elegit eam deus*

Agnetis L W 008046 * Image
426r 3 Ecce quod cupivi jam video

Ecce quod cupivi jam video quod speravi jam teneo illi sum juncta in caelis quem in terris posita tota devotione dilexi

Agnetis L A B 002539 4 Image
426r 4 Stans beata Agnes in medio

Stans beata Agnes in medio flammae expansis manibus orabat ad dominum omnipotens adorande colende tremende benedico te et glorifico nomen tuum in aeternum

Octava Agnetis V A M 005017 1 Image
426r 5 Congaudete*


Agnetis N A 001886 * Image
426r 6 Audivi*


Agnetis X R P 006151 * Image
426r 7 Qui vult*

Qui vult*

Vincentii V A 1 004506 * Image
426r 8 Valerius igitur episcopus et levita

Valerius igitur episcopus et levita Vincentius spe fruendi victoria divinitus subnixi in confessione deitatis alacriter cucurrerunt

Vincentii V R 007818 1 Image
426r 9 Tanto namque feliciores se esse

Tanto namque feliciores se esse credebant quanto acriora tyranni supplicia pia longanimitate certassent evincere

Vincentii V V 01 007818a 1S Image
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