Browse Chants | Cantus Database

Browse Chants

Displaying 1-12 of 12 chants
Siglum Folio Incipit / Full text Feast CantusID Mode
F-VAL 114 092v 1 Exaudiat dominus orationes

De Machabaeis M V 01 006028a 3
F-VAL 114 092v 2 Exaudiat dominus orationes

De Machabaeis M R 2 006687 2
F-VAL 114 092v 3 Adaperiat dominus cor vestrum

De Machabaeis M V 01 006687a 2
F-VAL 114 092v 4 Congregati sunt inimici

De Machabaeis M R 3 006326 1
F-VAL 114 092v 5 Disperge illos in virtute tua

De Machabaeis M V 01 006326a 1
F-VAL 114 092v 6 Impetum inimicorum ne

De Machabaeis M R 4 006886 2
F-VAL 114 092v 7 Mementote mirabilium ejus

De Machabaeis M V 01 006886a 2
F-VAL 114 092v 8 Congregatae sunt gentes in

De Machabaeis M R 5 006324 8
F-VAL 114 092v 9 Tu scis quae cogitant in nos

De Machabaeis M V 01 006324a 8
F-VAL 114 092v 10 Refulsit sol in clipeos

De Machabaeis M R 6 007518 2
F-VAL 114 092v 11 Erat enim exercitus magnus

De Machabaeis M V 01 007518a 2
F-VAL 114 092v 12 Dixit Judas Simoni fratri suo

De Machabaeis M R 7 006478 7
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