Vorau, Stiftsbibliothek, 287 (olim XXIX)
- Cantus Siglum
- A-VOR 287 (olim XXIX)
- Holding Institution
- Vorau, Stiftsbibliothek (A-VOR)
- Manuscript/Print
- Manuscript
- Summary
- Antiphoner from Salzburg, Austria. From the first half of the 14th century. Staff notation with F, C, G, and A clefs. Cathedral cursus. 339 folios. Beginning of manuscript has been lost (first folio begins in the middle of Christmas Vespers); four other lacunae.
- Liturgical Occasions
Ff. 1-84: Winter Temporale and Sanctorale. 1r, Christmas; 5v, Stephen; 24v, Ferial Office; 38r, Purification; 43v, Dorothy; 47r, Gregory; 49v, Annunciation; 58v, Ash Wednesday; 81r-81v, Tuesday of Holy Week; lacuna; 82r-84v, Maundy Thursday and Good Friday; lacuna.
Ff. 85-224: Summer Temporale and Sanctorale. 85r-99r, Easter- tide (beginning with Wednesday after Easter); 103v, Ascension (lacuna in Matins); 114r, Corpus Christi; 119r, John the Baptist; 132r, Margaret; 135v, Mary Magdalene; 145v, Afra; 154v, Assumption (lacuna in Matins); 159v, Augustine; 164v, Beheading of John the Baptist; 182v, 11,000 Virgins; 185v, All Saints; 188r, Eustace (six leaves inserted before present foliation); 198r, Elizabeth of Hungary; 206v, Catherine; 219v, Thomas the Apostle.
Ff. 224r-240v: Common of Saints. Ff. 241-245r: Dedication of a Church. Ff. 245r-268r: Summer Histories. Ff. 268r-276r: Sundays after Pentecost. Ff. 276r-284v: Invitatory Tones. Ff. 288r-290v: Antiphons from Canticum Canticorum (cf. 158r-159v and 172v-173v).
Ff. 291-338: Added Sanctorale. 291r, Vitus; 291v, Transfiguration; 292r, Kunegund; 294r, Rupert; 296v, Martha; 300r, Barbara; 305r, Immaculate Conception; 312r, Juliana; 317r, Anne; 321r, Mary Magdalene; 325r, the Holy Lance; 331r, Acacius and Companions. F. 339, added leaf from related neumatic antiphoner. - Description
The texts of a number of unusual Offices not recorded in Hesbert's Corpus Antiphonalium Officii have already been edited in Analecta Hymnica: Dorothy (vol. 5, 56); Margaret (vol. 28, 3); Eustace (vol. 26, 15); Elizabeth of Hungary (vol. 25, 90); Catherine (vol. 26, 69); Martha (vol. 28, 45); Barbara (vol. 25, 121); Immaculate Conception (vol. 5, 47); Juliana (vol. 26, 184); Anne (vol. 5, 110); Holy Lance (vol. 5, 35); Acacius and Companions (vol. 5, 91). Many texts are not included in Analecta Hymnica, including Corpus Christi (the version attributed to Thomas Aquinas), Augustine, the Beheading of John the Baptist, the 11,000 Virgins, and Thomas the Apostle. Of these five Offices, only that for Corpus Christi may be found in Hughes, LMLO.
Two special items in the manuscript are of interest but were not indexed in our file: the tonary, with antiphons whose melismas outline each of the eight modes (ff. 285v-286v); canticle tones which have been notated to the first verse of both Magnificat and Benedictus canticles, in all eight modes (ff. 286v-288r).
In addition to Mass Alleluias in second Vespers in Easter week, the manuscript includes Alleluias for Barbara (304v01), Immaculate Conception (310v02), Anne (320r01), and Acacius and Companions (336r03). That for Barbara ("Alleluia O beata Barbara deo") was transcribed from Vorau 287 in Karlheinz Schlager, ed., Alleluia-Melodien, 2 vols., Monumenta Monodica Medii Aevi 7-8 (Kassel: Baerenreiter, 1968, 1987), 2: 301. There are also three sequences, for Immaculate Conception ("O consolatrix pauperum," 310v03), Anne ("Caeli regem attollamus," 319v01), and a non-specific Marian sequence ("Gaude virgo gratiosa", 320v06).
Some paleographical details of the manuscript posed problems for the indexers. The numerous errors of the text scribe--insertions, omissions, wrong words--have been carefully corrected in marginal and interlinear annotations, apparently by the music scribe. In cases that affected the incipit to be recorded in the file, the text was always entered with these corrections. The system of differentiae also appears to have been implemented by at least two scribes, either contemporaneously or at different times. Nearly all differentiae listed in the tonary occur throughout the manuscript in two to five variations (some are found only in the tonary). Two-digit differentia numbers reflect this problem: an Arabic number indicates the basic differentia with a lower case letter for the variation (if no variation was observed, only an Arabic number was used).
- Selected Bibliography
Dobszay, Laszlo ed. Corpus Antiphonalium Officii Ecclesiarum Centralis Europae. Vol. I/A, "Salzburg (Temporale)". Budapest: Institute for Musicology, 1990. The CAO-ECE index of the Salzburg Sanctorale has not yet been released.
Hughes, Andrew. Late Medieval Liturgical Offices: Resources for Electronic Research. Subsidia Mediaevalia, 23. Toronto: Pontifical Institute of Medieval Studies, 1994.
- Notes on the Inventory
- The inventory for A-VOR 287 was prepared at the Catholic University of America by Charles Downey and Joseph Metzinger.
- Full/Partial Inventory
- Full Inventory
- Complete Source/Fragment
- Complete (or mostly complete)