Browse Chants

Displaying 1-17 of 17 chants.
Folio Incipit / Full text Feast CantusID Mode
193v 1 Ipsi sum desponsata cui

Agnetis M R 2.3 006992 8
193v 2 Dextram meam et collum meum

Agnetis M V 01 006992b 8
193v 3 Regnum mundi*

Agnetis M R 2.4 007524 *
193v 4 Accinxit*

Agnetis M A 3. 001229 *
193v 5 Omnipotens adorande colende

Agnetis M R 3.1 007318 2T
193v 6 Te confiteor labiis te corde

Agnetis M V 01 007318b 2T
193v 7 Haec virgo*

Agnetis M R 3.2 601006 *
193v 8 In sanctitate*

Agnetis M R 3.3 601159 *
193v 9 Pulchra facie sed pulchrior

Agnetis M R 3.4 007452 5
193v 10 Specie tua et pulchritudine

Agnetis M V 01 007452a 5
193v 11 Ingressa Agnes turpitudinis

Agnetis L A 1 003337 7
193v 12 Mecum enim habeo custodem

Agnetis L A 2 003729 5
193v 13 Stat a dextris ejus agnus

Agnetis L A 3 005019 1
193v 14 Benedico te pater domini mei

Agnetis L A 4 001703 8
193v 15 Congaudete mecum et

Agnetis L A 5 001886 8
193v 16 Adjuvabit*

Agnetis L R 006042 *
193v 17 Ecce quod cupivi jam video

Agnetis L A B 002539 1
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