Browse Chants

Displaying 1-12 of 12 chants.
Folio Incipit / Full text Feast CantusID Mode
205r 1 Tu es Petrus et super

Cathedra Petri M R 1.3 007788 7
205r 2 Quodcumque ligaveris*

Cathedra Petri M V 01 007788a 7
205r 3 O princeps apostolorum o

Cathedra Petri M R 1.4 601622 1
205r 4 Qui ligandi et solvendi

Cathedra Petri M V 01 601622a 1S
205r 5 Gloria patri et filio et

Cathedra Petri M V 02 909000 1S
205r 6 Qui regni claves et curam

Cathedra Petri M A 2.1 204134 7
205r 7 Hic caeli terraeque Petro

Cathedra Petri M A 2.2 202140 8
205r 8 Primus vocatione maximus

Cathedra Petri M A 2.3 203959 1
205r 9 Jure Petro ecclesiae datur

Cathedra Petri M A 2.4 202787 2T
205r 10 Tertio Christum Petrus quem

Cathedra Petri M A 2.5 204906 3
205r 11 Solve jubente deo terrarum

Cathedra Petri M A 2.6 004981 4
205r 12 Ego pro te rogavi Petre

Cathedra Petri M R 2.1 006630 4
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