Browse Chants

Displaying 1-5 of 5 chants.
Folio Incipit / Full text Feast CantusID Mode
028v 1 Repleti sunt omnes spiritu

Dom. Pentecostes M V 01 006536a 3
028v 2 Repleti sunt omnes spiritu

Dom. Pentecostes M R 2 007531 2T
028v 3 Loquebantur variis linguis

Dom. Pentecostes M V 01 007531a 2T
028v 4 Spiritus sanctus procedens a

Dom. Pentecostes M R 3 007693 3
028v 5 Factus est repente de caelo

Dom. Pentecostes M V 01 007693za 3
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