Browse Chants

Displaying 1-9 of 9 chants.
Folio Incipit / Full text Feast CantusID Mode
014r 0 Apparebit in finem et non

Dom. 3 Adventus M V 01 006578a 1 Image
014r 1 Ecce dominator*

Dom. 3 Adventus M V 02 006578b * Image
014r 2 Bethleem civitas dei summi ex

Dom. 3 Adventus M R 2 006254 7 Image
014r 3 Loquetur pacem in gentibus et

Loquetur pacem in gentibus et potestas eius a mari usque ad mare

Dom. 3 Adventus M V 01 006254c 7 Image
014r 4 Deus a Libano*

Dom. 3 Adventus M V 02 006254a * Image
014r 5 Qui venturus est veniet et

Dom. 3 Adventus M R 3 007485 6 Image
014r 6 Deponet omnes iniquitates nostras et

Deponet omnes iniquitates nostras et proiciet peccata nostra

Dom. 3 Adventus M V 01 007485b 6 Image
014r 7 Ex Sion species*

Dom. 3 Adventus M V 02 007485a * Image
014r 8 Suscipe verbum virgo Maria

Dom. 3 Adventus M R 4 007744 4 Image
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