Browse Chants

Displaying 1-7 of 7 chants.
Folio Incipit / Full text Feast CantusID Mode
044v 1 Et ambulabunt gentes in lumine

Et ambulabunt gentes in lumine tuo et reges in splendore ortus tui

Epiphania M V 01 006882a 5 Image
044v 2 Tria sunt munera pretiosa

Epiphania M R 3.2 007777 1 Image
044v 3 Reges Tharsis et

Reges Tharsis et

Epiphania M V 01 007777a 1 Image
044v 4 In columbae specie spiritus

Epiphania M R 3.3 006892 2 Image
044v 5 Celi aperti sunt super eum

Celi aperti sunt super eum et vox patris audita est

Epiphania M V 01 006892a 2 Image
044v 6 Ante luciferum genitus et

Epiphania L A 1 001434 2 Image
044v 7 Venit lumen tuum Jerusalem et

Epiphania L A 2 005344 1 Image
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