Browse Chants

Displaying 1-8 of 8 chants.
Folio Incipit / Full text Feast CantusID Mode
064v 1 Ipsi sum desponsata cui

Agnetis M A 3.3 003407 7 Image
064v 2 Audi filia et vide*

Agnetis M W 3. 007955 * Image
064v 3 Jam corpus ejus corpori meo

Agnetis M R 3.1 007029 8 Image
064v 4 Ipsi sum desponsata cui angeli

Ipsi sum desponsata cui angeli serviunt cuius pulchritudinem sol et luna mirantur

Agnetis M V 01 007029a 8 Image
064v 5 Pulchra facie sed pulchrior

Agnetis M R 3.2 007452 5 Image
064v 6 Specie tua et pulchritudine tua

Specie tua et pulchritudine tua intende prospere procede et regna

Agnetis M V 01 007452a 5 Image
064v 7 Mel et lac ex ejus

Agnetis M R 3.3 007141 1 Image
064v 8 Cuius pulcritudinem sol et luna

Cuius pulcritudinem sol et luna mirantur ipsi soli servo fidem

Agnetis M V 01 007141a 1 Image
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