Browse Chants

Displaying 1-7 of 7 chants.
Folio Incipit / Full text Feast CantusID Mode
100v 1 Adjutor meus tibi psallam

Fer. 4 per annum M R 2.3 006038 5 Image
100v 2 Eripe me de inimicis meis

Fer. 4 per annum M V 01 006038a 5 Image
100v 3 Tibi soli peccavi domine

Fer. 4 per annum L A 1 005150 8 Image
100v 4 Te decet hymnus deus in

Fer. 4 per annum L A 2 005115 2 Image
100v 5 Labia mea laudabunt te in

Fer. 4 per annum L A 3 003557 8 Image
100v 6 Exsultavit cor meum in domino

Fer. 4 per annum L A 4 002816 2 Image
100v 7 Caeli caelorum laudate deum

Fer. 4 per annum L A 5 001836 2 Image
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