Sankt Florian, Augustiner-Chorherrenstift - Bibliothek und Musikarchiv, XI 480

Cantus Siglum
A-SF XI 480
Holding Institution
Sankt Florian, Augustiner-Chorherrenstift - Bibliothek und Musikarchiv (A-SF)
Fourteenth-century antiphoner in adiastematic neumes. 273 folios. Secular cursus.
Liturgical Occasions

Ff. 1r-105v: Winter Temporale. 1r, First Sunday of Advent; 8v, Antiphonae majores; 20v, Christmas; 26r, Stephen; 29v, John the Evangelist; 33v, Holy Innocents; 41v, Epiphany; 48r, Dominical and Ferial Offices; 58r, Pre-Lent; 66r, Lent; 84v, Passion Sunday; 89v, Palm Sunday; 96r, Maundy Thursday; 100r, Good Friday; 103r, Holy Saturday.
Ff 105v-142r: Winter Sanctorale. 105v, Andrew; 109v, Nicholas; 113r, Lucy; 114r, Thomas the Apostle; 114v, Fabian and Sebastian; 118r, Agnes; 121v, Conversion of Paul; 122r, Purification; 125v, Blaise; 131v, Agatha; 134v, Peter’s Chair; 135r, Gregory; 138v, Annunciation.
F. 142r, Elizabeth of Hungary; 146r, Catherine.
Ff. 147r-195r: Summer Temporale. 147r, Easter; 159r, Ascension; 162, Pentecost; 166v, Trinity; 169v, Suffrages; 170r, Summer Histories; 187v, Sundays after Pentecost.
Ff. 195r- Summer Sanctorale. 196v, Mark; 197v, Philip and James; 198v, Finding of the Cross; 200r, Alexander and Eventius; 201r, John at the Latin Gate; 201v, John the Baptist; 205v, John and Paul; 207r, Peter and Paul; 212r, Commemoration of Paul; 216r, Mary Magdalene; 219v, Peter’s Chains; 220r, Laurence; 223v, Tiburtius; 223v, Hippolytus; 225r, Assumption; 229r, Beheading of John the Baptist; 231v, Nativity of Mary; 235r, Exaltation of the Cross; 236r, Lambert; 236r, Matthew; 236v, Emmeramus; 237r, Maurice and Companions; 237v, Cosmas and Damian; 237v, Michael; 242r, Gall; 245v, Wolfgangus; 245v, All Saints; 249r, Martin; 253r, Brice; 253v, Othmar; 254r, Cecilia; 257r, Clement.
Ff. 258r-273v: Common of Saints. F. 273v, Dedication; 276v, Margaret; 280r, Easter Versus.


Although this manuscript is part of a collection of medieval music manuscripts held at the male Augustinian monastery of St. Florian, due to the inclusion of chants for Wolfgangus, Bishop of Regensburg, and similarities in its liturgical order with sources from the Diocese of Regensburg (e.g. London, British Library, printed book IB. 6753), Dobszay and Klugseder both suggest that the manuscript is from Regensburg. There is also some discrepancy over the date of the manuscript; the library catalogue for St. Florian places the manuscript in the fourteenth century, but Dobszay suggests that it is more likely from the thirteenth century.

Throughout this manuscript, differentiae for antiphons are given in the margins, apparently in the original hands. These are often accompanied by modal designations in lower-case Roman numerals, also in the original hands.

When the mode is not indicated, it can be determined if the exact neume forms of the differentia are given an explicit modal designation elsewhere in the manuscript. In such cases and others in which the mode is evident, but not given explicitly for the particular chant, the mode number is entered into the mode field, but followed by a question mark. If there is any ambiguity, a mode has not been assigned. Differentiae are numbered for each mode in no particular order. There is a series of differentiae for antiphons whose modes cannot be determined. These are characterized by having only a question mark in the mode column. Modes for responsories are provisional; they are based on the neume forms of the eight verse tones and comparison with the other sources in the database. Because of their provisional nature, all mode numbers for responsories are followed by a question mark. Again, if there is any ambiguity (such as in cases where a non-standard tone is given for a verse), a mode has not been assigned.

Selected Bibliography

  • Dobszay, László. "The Secular Liturgical use of Regensburg: Two New Sources." In Ars musica – musica sacra, 69–98. Ed. David Hiley. Tutzing: Hans Schneider, 2007.
  • Jahn, Michael, and Andreas Lindner. Die geistlichen Werke. Vol. 2 of Die Musikhandschriften des Augustiner-Chorherrensiftes St. Florian. Vienna: Veröffentlichungen des RISM-Österreich, 2007.
  • Klugseder, Robert. "Mittelalterliche music-liturgische Quellen aus dem Augustinerchorherrenkloster St. Florian." Musicologica Austriaca 31 (2012): 13–82.
  • Digital images are available through the site "Musikalische Quellen des Mittelalters in der Oesterreichischen Nationalbibliothek," (available from Click and scroll to find: "Antiphonar für den Gebrauch in der Diözese Regensburg - A-SF XI 480."

Notes on the Inventory
The inventory for A-SF XI 480 was prepared by Chia-Hsin Ho (Universität Wien) with editorial assistance from Andrew Mitchell (The University of Western Ontario). Additions to the manuscript description were made by Rebecca Shaw (Dalhousie University).
Full/Partial Inventory
Full Inventory
Complete Source/Fragment
Complete (or mostly complete)