Ljubljana, Nadškofijski arhiv (Archiepiscopal Archives), 19 (olim 18)

Cantus Siglum
SI-Lna 19 (olim 18)
Holding Institution
Ljubljana, Nadškofijski arhiv (Archiepiscopal Archives) (SI-Lna)
The manuscript was most probably written by the same scribe as MS 18; however, there is no explicit or any other inscription concerning the date and place of its production. In view of the explicit of the MS 18, it is arguable that the manuscript came into being immediately after MS 18, which means during the last months of 1491 or at the beginning of 1492. The notation is of the same type as in MS 18. Secular cursus. 236 folios (8, 137 and 138 are missing). 55 x 39.3 cm; principal writing space 41.4 x 27.9 cm. 11 lines on each side.
Liturgical Occasions

Ff. 1r-51r: Temporale. 1r, Pentecost; 5r, Trinity; lacuna (8r-8v); 10r, Corpus Christi; 14v second Sunday after Pentecost; 19v, Ferial Office and Summer Histories; 45r, Sundays after Pentecost.
Ff. 51r-198v: Sanctorale. 51r, Gervasius and Protasius; 51v, John the Baptist; 55v, John and Paul; 57r, Peter and Paul; 62r, Commemoration of St. Paul; 66v, Visitation; 71v, Udalricus; 76v, Hermagoras, Fortunatus; 81r, Dedication of a Church; 84v, Sending forth of the Apostles; 89r, Margaret; 92v, Mary Magdalene; 97v, James; 100v, Christopher; 105r, Anne; 108v, Martha; 114v, Peter’s Chains; 115r, Finding of Stephen; 119v, Mary of the Snows; 123v, Dominic; 127v, Laurence; 131v, Hippolytus; 133r, Assumption; lacuna (137r-138v); 139r, Bartholemew; 142v, Augustine; 148r, Beheading of John the Baptist; 151v, Aegidius; 156r, Nativity of Mary; 161r, Exaltation of the Cross; 162v, Four Virgins; 167r, Michael; 171v, Gallus; 175v, All Saints; 180r, Martin; 184r, Brice; 185r, Elizabeth of Hungary; 189v, Cecilia; 193r, Catherine; 197v, Clement.
Ff. 199r-236v: Common of Saints. 227v, Office of the Dead; 232r, Office of the Virgin Mary; 236r, Suffrages.


The following Offices are found in Analecta hymnica: Visitation, vol. 24, pp. 89-92; Margaret, vol. 28, pp. 17-19; James, vol. 26, pp. 124-126; Anne, vol. 25, pp. 52-54; Dominic, vol. 25, pp. 239-241; Aegidius, vol. 25, pp. 22-24; Elizabeth of Hungary, vol. 25, pp. 253-256; Catherine, vol. 26, pp. 197-199. The feast of Hermagoras and Fortunatus and that of the Four Virgin Martyrs (Euphemia, Dorothea, Thecla, Erasma) are Aquileian celebrations.

The manuscripts include prosulas.

All chants not found in CAO have been assigned an arbitrary number prefixed by “kra.” The differentiae are assigned a letter-number combination (the letter indicates the final pitch of the differentiae, and the number is arbitrarily assigned). Invitatory tones are not presented in complete form in these manuscripts. Codes have been provided based on comparisons of the incipits with tones found complete in other sources.

Selected Bibliography

  • Golob, N. “Johannes von Werd de Augusta – ein fahrender Buchmaler?” Gotika v Sloveniji/Gotik in Slowenien (Ljubljana 1995): 397–402.
  • Snoj, J. “The Kranj Antiphonal: Introduction to Formal Analysis.” Bogoslovni vestnik/Ephemerides theologicae 52 (Ljubljana, 1992): 192-203. (In Slovenian with summary in English)
  • Snoj, J. “The Poetic Office for the Feast of the Cantii in the Antiphonary of Kranj.” Essays Presented to Joze Sivec (Ljubljana 2000): 43–64. (In Slovenian with summary in English.)

Notes on the Inventory
The index for MS 19 was prepared by Jurij Snoj (Institute of Musicology, Scientific Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Ljubljana, Slovenia) with editorial assistance from Debra Lacoste (The University of Western Ontario). The index for MS 20 was prepared by Jurij Snoj, Mojca Fir, and Ksenija Brišar, with editorial assistance from Debra Lacoste and Andrew Mitchell (The University of Western Ontario).
Complete Source/Fragment
Complete source