Browse Chants

Displaying 1-12 of 12 chants.
Folio Incipit / Full text Feast CantusID Mode
110r 1 Alleluia alleluia alleluia alleluia

Alleluia alleluia alleluia alleluia

In tempore Paschae L A 5 001329 Gc Image
110r 2 In resurrectione tua Christe alleluia

In resurrectione tua Christe alleluia alleluia R. Caeli et terra laetentur alleluia alleluia

In tempore Paschae L W 008100 * Image
110r 3 Post dies octo januis clausis

Post dies octo januis clausis ingressus dominus et dixit eis pax vobis alleluia alleluia

Octava Paschae L A B 004326 Gc Image
110r 4 Alleluia*


Octava Paschae V2 A 001329 * Image
110r 5 Quia vidisti me Thoma credidisti

Quia vidisti me Thoma credidisti beati qui non viderunt et crediderunt alleluia

Octava Paschae V2 A M 004513 Gc Image
110r 6 Crucifixum in carne*

Crucifixum in carne*

Octava Paschae V2 A R 001955 ? Image
110r 7 Dicite in nationibus alleluia R.

Dicite in nationibus alleluia R. Dominus regnavit a ligno alleuia

Octava Paschae V2 W R 008013 r Image
110r 8 Regina caeli laetare alleluia quia

Regina caeli laetare alleluia quia quem meruisti portare alleluia resurrexit sicut dixit alleluia ora pro nobis ad deum alleluia

Octava Paschae V2 A R 004597 D Image
110r 9 Ave Maria*

Ave Maria*

Octava Paschae V2 W R 007958 r Image
110r 10 Mitte manum tuam in latus

Mitte manum tuam in latus meum et noli esse incredulus sed fidelis alleluia

Octava Paschae X A 1 203150 Fa Image
110r 11 Mitte manum tuam et cognosce

Mitte manum tuam et cognosce loca clavorum alleluia et noli esse incredulus sed fidelis alleluia

Octava Paschae X A 2 003797 Fa Image
110r 12 Alleluia alleluia

Alleluia alleluia

Hebd. TP M I 001022 D Image
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