Browse Chants

Displaying 1-8 of 8 chants.
Folio Incipit / Full text Feast CantusID Mode
113r 1 Nisi ego abiero alleluia paraclitus

Nisi ego abiero alleluia paraclitus non veniet alleluia

Dom. 4 p. Pascha L A B 203257 Fa Image
113r 2 Exivi a patre et veni

Exivi a patre et veni in mundum iterum relinquo mundum et vado ad patrem alleluia

Dom. 4 p. Pascha V2 A M 002793 Gc Image
113r 3 Alleluia alleluia alleluia

Alleluia alleluia alleluia

Dom. 5 p. Pascha M I 001023 * Image
113r 4 Pater cum esset cum eis

Pater cum esset cum eis ego servabam eos quos dedisti mihi alleluia nunc autem ad te venio non rogo ut tollas eos de mundo sed ut serves eos a malo alleluia alleluia

Dom. 5 p. Pascha M R 007360 E Image
113r 5 Pater sancte serva eos in

Pater sancte serva eos in nomine tuo quos dedisti mihi

Dom. 5 p. Pascha M V 01 007360a E Image
113r 6 Quodcumque petieritis patrem in nomine

Quodcumque petieritis patrem in nomine meo dabitur vobis alleluia

Dom. 5 p. Pascha L A B 004562 Gc Image
113r 7 Regem martyrum dominum venite adoremus

Regem martyrum dominum venite adoremus alleluia alleluia

Georgii M I 001137 c Image
113r 8 Alleluia alleluia alleluia alleluia alleluia

Alleluia alleluia alleluia alleluia alleluia

Georgii M A 1.1 001330 Gd Image
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