Browse Chants | Cantus Database

Browse Chants

Displaying 1-32 of 32 chants
Siglum Folio Incipit / Full text Feast CantusID Mode
F-Pn Lat. 1085 054v 1 Exoravi pro inimicis jussu

Fer. 3 Maj. Hebd. M V 02 007095zb * Image
F-Pn Lat. 1085 054v 2 Nunc clarificatus est*

Fer. 3 Maj. Hebd. M A 2. 003974 7* Image
F-Pn Lat. 1085 054v 3 Vide domine et considera*

Fer. 3 Maj. Hebd. L A 1 005379 7* Image
F-Pn Lat. 1085 054v 4 Discerne causam*

Fer. 3 Maj. Hebd. L A 2 002252 7* Image
F-Pn Lat. 1085 054v 5 Dum tribularer*

Fer. 3 Maj. Hebd. L A 3 002474 7* Image
F-Pn Lat. 1085 054v 6 Domine vim patior*

Fer. 3 Maj. Hebd. L A 4 002395 3* Image
F-Pn Lat. 1085 054v 7 Dixerunt impii*

Fer. 3 Maj. Hebd. L A 5 002263 8* Image
F-Pn Lat. 1085 054v 8 Ante diem festum paschae*

Fer. 3 Maj. Hebd. E A 1 001432 3* Image
F-Pn Lat. 1085 054v 9 Recordare mei*

Fer. 3 Maj. Hebd. E A 2 004577 7* Image
F-Pn Lat. 1085 054v 10 Infirmata est virtus*

Fer. 3 Maj. Hebd. E A 3 003332 4* Image
F-Pn Lat. 1085 054v 11 Quia ego tecum sum*

Fer. 3 Maj. Hebd. E A 4 004507 8* Image
F-Pn Lat. 1085 054v 12 Non sis mihi tu formidinis*

Fer. 3 Maj. Hebd. E A 5 003933 7* Image
F-Pn Lat. 1085 054v 13 Cottidie apud vos eram*

Fer. 3 Maj. Hebd. V A M 004570 2* Image
F-Pn Lat. 1085 054v 14 Rogavi patrem meum ne*

Fer. 4 Maj. Hebd. M A 1.1 004663 1* Image
F-Pn Lat. 1085 054v 15 Deus Israel propter te*

Fer. 4 Maj. Hebd. M R 1.1 006425 * Image
F-Pn Lat. 1085 054v 16 Contumelias*

Fer. 4 Maj. Hebd. M R 1.2 006335 7* Image
F-Pn Lat. 1085 054v 17 Vidisti domine iniquitatem

Fer. 4 Maj. Hebd. M V 01 006335zb 7 Image
F-Pn Lat. 1085 054v 18 Judica domine causam

Fer. 4 Maj. Hebd. M V 02 006335za 8 Image
F-Pn Lat. 1085 054v 19 Synagoge populorum*

Fer. 4 Maj. Hebd. M R 1.3 007747 * Image
F-Pn Lat. 1085 054v 20 Si oportuerit*

Fer. 4 Maj. Hebd. M A 2.1 004904 3* Image
F-Pn Lat. 1085 054v 21 Libera me de sanguinibus*

Fer. 4 Maj. Hebd. L A 1 003616 8* Image
F-Pn Lat. 1085 054v 22 Contumelias et terrores*

Fer. 4 Maj. Hebd. L A 2 001913 8* Image
F-Pn Lat. 1085 054v 23 Dominus mecum est tamquam*

Fer. 4 Maj. Hebd. L A 3 002416 1* Image
F-Pn Lat. 1085 054v 24 Omnes inimici mei*

Fer. 4 Maj. Hebd. L A 4 004126 7* Image
F-Pn Lat. 1085 054v 25 Exsultavit*


Fer. 4 Maj. Hebd. L 1* Image
F-Pn Lat. 1085 054v 26 Alliga domine in*

Fer. 4 Maj. Hebd. L A 5 001355 3* Image
F-Pn Lat. 1085 054v 27 Consilium fecerunt*

Consilium fecerunt*

Fer. 4 Maj. Hebd. E A 1 1* Image
F-Pn Lat. 1085 054v 28 Simon dormis*

Fer. 4 Maj. Hebd. E A 2 004959 8* Image
F-Pn Lat. 1085 054v 29 Positis autem genibus Jesus*

Fer. 4 Maj. Hebd. E A 3 004318 8* Image
F-Pn Lat. 1085 054v 30 Jesus factus in agonia*

Fer. 4 Maj. Hebd. E A 4 202749 8* Image
F-Pn Lat. 1085 054v 31 Nemo tollet a me*

Fer. 4 Maj. Hebd. E A 5 003874 3* Image
F-Pn Lat. 1085 054v 32 Tanto tempore vobiscum eram*

Fer. 4 Maj. Hebd. V A M 005111 4* Image
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