Browse Chants

Displaying 1-27 of 27 chants.
Folio Incipit / Full text Feast CantusID Mode
057r 1 Ab insurgentibus in*

Fer. 6 in Parasceve M A 3.1 001201 1* Image
057r 2 Longe fecisti*

Fer. 6 in Parasceve M A 3.2 003632 8* Image
057r 3 Captabunt in*

Fer. 6 in Parasceve M A 3.3 001767 8* Image
057r 4 Ab insurgentibus in*

Ab insurgentibus in*

Fer. 6 in Parasceve M W 3. * Image
057r 5 Locuti sunt adversum me

Fer. 6 in Parasceve M W 3. 008124 * Image
057r 6 Barabbas latro*

Fer. 6 in Parasceve M R 3.1 006159 2* Image
057r 7 Ecce turba et qui vocabatur

Fer. 6 in Parasceve M V 01 006159a 2 Image
057r 8 Verax datur fallacibus pium

Fer. 6 in Parasceve M V 02 006159b 2 Image
057r 9 Tenebrae factae sunt*

Fer. 6 in Parasceve M R 3.2 007760 8* Image
057r 10 Cum ergo accepisset acetum

Fer. 6 in Parasceve M V 01 007760b 8 Image
057r 11 Et velum templi scissum est

Fer. 6 in Parasceve M V 02 007760a 8 Image
057r 12 Velum templi*

Fer. 6 in Parasceve M R 3.3 007821 2* Image
057r 13 Petrae scissae sunt et

Fer. 6 in Parasceve M V 01 007821c 2 Image
057r 14 Amen dico tibi hodie mecum

Fer. 6 in Parasceve M V 02 007821a 2 Image
057r 15 Proprio filio suo*

Fer. 6 in Parasceve L A 1 004395 7* Image
057r 16 Anxiatus est in me*

Fer. 6 in Parasceve L A 2 001442 4* Image
057r 17 Ait latro*

Fer. 6 in Parasceve L A 3 001316 1* Image
057r 18 Dum conturbata fuerit*

Fer. 6 in Parasceve L A 4 002444 1* Image
057r 19 Memento mei domine*

Fer. 6 in Parasceve L A 5 003736 8* Image
057r 20 Christus factus est pro*

Fer. 6 in Parasceve L W 007983 * Image
057r 21 Posuerunt super caput*

Fer. 6 in Parasceve L A B 004343 1* Image
057r 22 Accepto pane Judas*

Fer. 6 in Parasceve P A 001219 1* Image
057r 23 Ancilla dixit Petro*

Fer. 6 in Parasceve T A 001394 1* Image
057r 24 Ait Pilatus*

Fer. 6 in Parasceve S A 001318 1* Image
057r 25 In humilitate*

Fer. 6 in Parasceve N A 003242 7* Image
057r 26 Calicem*

Fer. 6 in Parasceve V A 1 001754 * Image
057r 27 Cum accepisset acetum*

Fer. 6 in Parasceve V A M 001970 1* Image
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