Browse Chants

Displaying 1-38 of 38 chants.
Folio Incipit / Full text Feast CantusID Mode
089v 1 Factum est*

Michaelis M R 1.1 006715 * Image
089v 2 In conspectu gentium*

Michaelis M R 1.2 006895 * Image
089v 3 In conspectu angelorum*

Michaelis M R 1.3 006894 * Image
089v 4 Stetit angelus*

Michaelis M R 1.4 007707 ? Image
089v 5 In tempore*

Michaelis M R 2.1 006942 * Image
089v 6 Venit Michael*

Michaelis M R 2.2 007834 * Image
089v 7 Fidelis sermo*

Michaelis M R 2.3 006733 * Image
089v 8 Ascendit fumus*

Michaelis M R 2.4 006124 * Image
089v 9 Hic est Michael*

Michaelis M R 3.1 006826 * Image
089v 10 Nunc facta*

Michaelis M R 3.2 007249 * Image
089v 11 Michael et*

Michaelis M R 3.3 007151 * Image
089v 12 In conspectu angelorum*

Michaelis M R 3.4 006895 * Image
089v 13 Et projectus est ille draco

Michaelis M V 02 006715b 1 Image
089v 14 Prostrato dracone magno

Michaelis M V 03 006715zb 1 Image
089v 15 Nunc facta est salus et*

Michaelis M R 1.2 007249 3* Image
089v 16 Propterea laetamini caeli et

Michaelis M V 01 007249b 3 Image
089v 17 Dimicante cum draconem

Michaelis M V 02 007249za 3 Image
089v 18 Michael et angeli ejus*

Michaelis M R 1.3 007151 7* Image
089v 19 Michael superavit hostem

Michaelis M V 01 007151zc 7 Image
089v 20 Factum est silentium in caelo

Michaelis M V 02 007151zb 7 Image
089v 21 Stetit angelus juxta aram

Michaelis M R 1.4 007706 7* Image
089v 22 Habens thuribulum aureum in

Michaelis M V 01 007706a * Image
089v 23 Gloria patri*

Michaelis M V 02 909000 * Image
089v 24 Hic est praepositus paradisi*

Michaelis M A 2.1 003054 4* Image
089v 25 Concussum est mare*

Michaelis M A 2.2 001864 8* Image
089v 26 Archangele Michael constitui*

Michaelis M A 2.3 001474 * Image
089v 27 Michael archangele veni in*

Michaelis M A 2.4 003764 2* Image
089v 28 Sancte Michael archangele*

Michaelis M A 2.5 204421 3 Image
089v 29 Laudemus dominum*

Michaelis M A 2.6 003592 1* Image
089v 30 Data sunt ei incensa multa

Michaelis M W 2. 008003 * Image
089v 31 Hic est Michael archangelus*

Michaelis M R 2.1 006826 8 Image
089v 32 Hujus munimine superantur

Michaelis M V 01 006826za 8 Image
089v 33 Angeli archangeli throni et

Michaelis M V 02 006826a 8 Image
089v 34 Hic est Michael praepositus

Michaelis M V 03 006826zd 8 Image
089v 35 In conspectu angelorum*

Michaelis M R 2.2 006894 8* Image
089v 36 Deus meus es tu et

Michaelis M V 01 006894c 8 Image
089v 37 Deus immense psalmum dicam

Michaelis M V 02 006894za 8 Image
089v 38 Venit Michael archangelus*

Michaelis M R 2.3 007834 8* Image
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