Browse Chants | Cantus Database

Browse Chants

Displaying 1-11 of 11 chants
Siglum Folio Incipit / Full text Feast CantusID Mode
I-AO 6 010v 1 Captabunt in animam justi et

Fer. 6 in Parasceve M A 3.3 001767 8
I-AO 6 010v 2 Alieni insurrexerunt*

Fer. 6 in Parasceve M W 3. 007940 r
I-AO 6 010v 3 Tradiderunt me in manus

Fer. 6 in Parasceve M R 3.1 007773 6T
I-AO 6 010v 4 Astiterunt reges terrae et

Fer. 6 in Parasceve M V 01 007773a 6T
I-AO 6 010v 5 Jesum tradidit impius summis

Fer. 6 in Parasceve M R 3.2 007035 5
I-AO 6 010v 6 Et ingressus Petrus in atrium

Fer. 6 in Parasceve M V 01 007035a 5
I-AO 6 010v 7 Caligaverunt oculi mei a

Fer. 6 in Parasceve M R 3.3 006261 5
I-AO 6 010v 8 O vos omnes qui transitis per

Fer. 6 in Parasceve M V 01 006261a 5
I-AO 6 010v 9 Proprio filio suo non

Fer. 6 in Parasceve L A 1 004395 7
I-AO 6 010v 10 Anxiatus est in me spiritus

Fer. 6 in Parasceve L A 2 001442 4
I-AO 6 010v 11 Ait latro ad latronem nos

Fer. 6 in Parasceve L A 3 001316 1
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