London, British Library, printed book IB.6753 (Augsburg Antiphoner 1495, olim AA Impr. 1495)

Cantus Siglum
GB-Lbl printed book IB.6753 (Augsburg Antiphoner 1495, olim AA Impr. 1495)
Holding Institution
London, British Library (GB-Lbl)
Vesperale. Hufnagelschrift. Cathedral cursus. 90 numbered folios. 348 x 238mm. Printed book, produced in Augsburg in 1495 by Erhard Ratdolt.
Liturgical Occasions

Ff. 1r-49v: Temporale. 1r, Advent; 2v, O antiophons; 4r, Christmas; 10v, Stephen; 11v, John the Evangelist; 13v, Holy Innocents; 14v, Epiphany; 17v, Septuagesima; 18v, Lent; 22r, Triduum; 28r, Easter; 33v, Ascension; 35v, Pentecost; 38r, Trinity; 38v, Corpus Christi; 44v, Summer Histories.
Ff. 49v-78v: Sanctorale. 49v, Andrew; 50v, Nicholas; 51v, Thomas the Apostle; 51v, Sebastian; 52r, Conversion of Paul; 53v, Purification; 54v, Agatha; 54v, Peter’s Chair; 55r, Gregory; 55r, Annunciation; 56v, George; 57r, Phillip and James; 57v, Finding of the Cross; 58v, John the Baptist; 59v, Peter and Paul; 61r, Visitation of Mary; 62r, Ulric (Bishop of Augsburg); 63v, Seven Brothers; 64r, Mary Magdalene; 65v, Afra; 67v, Laurence; 68r, Assumption; 70v, Nativity of Mary; 71v, Dedication of a Church; 73r, Michael; 74r, Gall; 74v, All Saints; 75v, Martin; 76v, Elizabeth of Hungary; 77r, Catherine.
Ff. 186v-212v: Common of Saints. F. 86vff: Invitatory tones.


The explicit of this book indicates that the vesperale was revised by Magister Sixtus Haug [magistri Sixti Haugem revisum et emendatum] and that it was printed in 1495 on February 23 [vii. kal. Martii]. On the verso of the folio before the chants begin, there is a handwritten inscription, “Schloss Radegg.” This book is listed in the RELICS database, where other extant copies are listed (in RELICS, search under the phrase “Antiphonarium Augustense”). Although the book contains mostly chants for the Offices of First and Second Vespers, there are full Offices for Christmas, the Triduum, Easter and Corpus Christi. In cases where the book does not indicate (and context does not clearly suggest) whether a chant belongs to First or Second Vespers, only “V” is marked in the Office field. The foliation used in this inventory is that found in the book. As well as the single unnumbered folio at the beginning of the book, there is an unnumbered folio at the end containing Ratdolt’s device (that is, his trademark) on its verso side.

The differentiae of each mode have been numbered with a two-character system: an upper-case letter indicating the final pitch of the differentia and a sequentially ordered numeral.

In the invitatorale section of the book, the invitatory antiphon for Corpus Christi (Christum regem adoremus) is paired with the invitatory tone NE. However earlier in the Office of Corpus Christi, the incipit resembles the incipit for the tone CH. This latter tone is often associated in Office books with a particular antiphon melody used in the Christmas season (see Liber Usualis, p. 368ff), not the melody used for Christum regem in this book. Therefore the provisional code GR will be used for the tone incipit in the Corpus Christi Office. GR has this incipit in other sources of the Cantus Database, such as the Klosterneuburg manuscripts, for example.

Selected Bibliography

British Library record: Begin. [fol. 1 Recto:] Antiffanarium per Circulum Anni. Dominica Prima in Aduentu Domini, Etc. [fol. 90 Verso:] Finit Antiffanarij Opus Hoc Speciale Peruigili Castigatione Mgr̄i Sixti Haugē Reuisū  Emendatum, Etc. 1495. Print.

Notes on the Inventory
The inventory for the printed Augsburg antiphoner dated 1495 was prepared by Andrew Mitchell (The University of Western Ontario).
Full/Partial Inventory
Full Inventory
Complete Source/Fragment
Complete source