Browse Chants

Displaying 1-10 of 10 chants.
Folio Incipit / Full text Feast CantusID Mode
007r 1 In illa die stillabunt montes

In illa die stillabunt montes dulcedinem et colles fluent lac et mel alleluia

Dom. 1 Adventus L A 1 003244 8 Image
007r 2 Jucundare filia Sion et exsulta

Jucundare filia Sion et exsulta satis filia Jerusalem alleluia

Dom. 1 Adventus L A 2 003509 8 Image
007r 3 Ecce dominus veniet et omnes

Ecce dominus veniet et omnes sancti ejus cum eo et erit in die illa lux magna alleluia

Dom. 1 Adventus L A 3 002509 5 Image
007r 4 Omnes sitientes venite ad aquas

Omnes sitientes venite ad aquas quaerite dominum dum inveniri potest alleluia

Dom. 1 Adventus L A 4 004133 7 Image
007r 5 Ecce veniet propheta magnus et

Ecce veniet propheta magnus et ipse renovabit Jerusalem alleluia

Dom. 1 Adventus L A 5 002552 4 Image
007r 6 Vox clara ecce*

Vox clara ecce*

Dom. 1 Adventus L H 008413 * Image
007r 7 Vox clamantis in deserto parare

Vox clamantis in deserto parare viam domini R. Rectas facite semitas ejus

Dom. 1 Adventus L W 008246 r Image
007r 8 Spiritus sanctus in te descendet

Spiritus sanctus in te descendet Maria ne timeas habens in utero filium dei alleluia

Dom. 1 Adventus L A B 005006 8 Image
007r 9 Jam lucis*

Jam lucis*

Dom. 1 Adventus P H 008328 * Image
007r 10 In illa die*

In illa die*

Dom. 1 Adventus P A 003244 * Image
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