Browse Chants | Cantus Database

Browse Chants

Displaying 1-12 of 12 chants
Siglum Folio Incipit / Full text Feast CantusID Mode
CH-Fco Ms. 2 039v 1 O admirabile commercium*

O admirabile commercium*

Vigilia Epiphaniae L A 1 003985 * Image
CH-Fco Ms. 2 039v 2 A solis*

A solis*

Vigilia Epiphaniae L H 008248 * Image
CH-Fco Ms. 2 039v 3 Dum medium*

Dum medium*

Vigilia Epiphaniae L A B 002461 * Image
CH-Fco Ms. 2 039v 4 Ante luciferum*

Ante luciferum*

Epiphania V A 1 001434 * Image
CH-Fco Ms. 2 039v 5 Hostis Herodes*

Hostis Herodes*

Epiphania V H 008248:24 * Image
CH-Fco Ms. 2 039v 6 Reges Tharsis et insulae*

Reges Tharsis et insulae*

Epiphania V W 008180 * Image
CH-Fco Ms. 2 039v 7 Magi videntes stellam dixerunt ad

Magi videntes stellam dixerunt ad invicem hoc signum magni regis est eamus et inquiramus eum et offeramus ei munera aurem thus et myrrham

Epiphania V A M 003654 8 Image
CH-Fco Ms. 2 039v 8 Afferte domino filii dei adorate

Afferte domino filii dei adorate dominum in aula sancta ejus

Epiphania M A 1.1 001303 7 Image
CH-Fco Ms. 2 039v 9 Fluminis impetus laetificat alleluia civitatem

Fluminis impetus laetificat alleluia civitatem dei alleluia

Epiphania M A 1.2 002886 6 Image
CH-Fco Ms. 2 039v 10 Psallite deo nostro psallite psallite

Psallite deo nostro psallite psallite regi nostro psallite sapienter

Epiphania M A 1.3 004406 2 Image
CH-Fco Ms. 2 039v 11 Omnis terra adoret te deus

Omnis terra adoret te deus et psallat tibi R. Psalmum dicat nomini tuo domine

Epiphania M W 1. 008161 r Image
CH-Fco Ms. 2 039v 12 Hodie in Jordane baptizato domino

Hodie in Jordane baptizato domino aperti sunt caeli et sicut columba super eum spiritus mansit et vox patris intonuit hic est filius meus dilectus in quo mihi complacui

Epiphania M R 1.1 006849 3 Image
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