Naples, Biblioteca Nazionale Vittorio Emanuele III, vi. E. 20

Cantus Siglum
I-Nn vi. E. 20
Holding Institution
Naples, Biblioteca Nazionale Vittorio Emanuele III (I-Nn)
Franciscan breviary from central Italy. Second half of the thirteenth century. 200 x 155mm. Central-Italian staff notation. Cathedral Cursus. 429 folios.
Liturgical Occasions

Ff. 1r-219v: Temporale. 1r, First Sunday of Advent; 24v, Christmas; 28r, Stephen; 42v, Epiphany; 51r, Dominical and Ferial Offices; 67v, Septuagesima; 80r, Ash Wednesday; 123v, Triduum; 136r, Easter; 166v, Pentecost; 172r, Histories.
Ff. 225r-226v: General Rubrics. Ff. 227r-255r: Psalter. Ff. 255v-256v: Psalm tones, added rubrics.
Ff. 257r-352r: Sanctorale. 257r, Andrew; 261v, Lucy; 266r, Agnes; 271v, Purification; 275r, Agatha; 278v, Peter’s Chair (incomplete); lacuna; 281r, Annunciation; lacuna (within the provisions for saints in Eastertide); 286r, Philip and James; 293r, John the Baptist; 298v, Peter and Paul; 314r, Laurence; 319r, Assumption; 327r, Nativity of Mary; 334r, Michael; 339v, All Saints; 343r, Martin; 347r, Cecilia; 350v, Clement.
Ff. 352r-381r: Common of Saints. Ff. 381r-385r: Dedication of a Church. Ff. 385r-388v: Office of the Dead. Ff. 389r-390v: Votive Offices for Mary. Ff. 391r-398v: Hymnal.
Ff. 398v-403v: Saints’s Offices. 398v, Francis (interior lacuna); 408r, Clare; 411r, Elizabeth of Hungary; 413r, Anthony of Padua; 415v, Dominic (prayer and readings only). F. 416v: Prayers for local saints of Tróia (identified by van Dijk, 1956). Ff. 417r-419r: Parisian table for antiphons in Advent. Ff. 420r-425: Invitatory tones, Te deum. Ff. 427-429r: Kalendar.


Van Dijk identified a number of saints (included as later additions to the kalendar) that have particular local significance in the southern Italian centre of Tróia, between Benevento and Foggia (van Dijk, 1956, pp. 73-77). However the location where the manuscript was originally copied is unknown.

The breviary appears to date (at the earliest) from the second half of the thirteenth century, since the lections included for the Office of Francis (in the main hand of the manuscript) have been dated to the mid-1200s (Armstrong, vol. 2, 471).

The differentiae of each mode have been numbered with a two-digit system: an upper-case letter indicating the final pitch of the differentia and a sequentially ordered numeral. Differentiae that vary in terms only of immediately repeated notes, presence/absence of liquesence or neumation are give the same differentia code, but are distinguished with a lowercase letter in the first column of the “Extra” field (see File Description). Chants not found in CAO have been assigned arbitrary numbers beginning with "fra". The codes for differentiae and chants not found in CAO in this index are consistent with those used for the other Franciscan manuscripts in the database:

Assisi, Biblioteca comunale, 693
Assisi, Biblioteca comunale, 694
Assisi, Cattedrale San Rufino - Archivio e Biblioteca, 5
Budapest, Egyetemi Könyvtár (University Library), lat. 118, 119, 122, 121
Chicago, Newberry Library, 24
Città del Vaticano (Roma), Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, lat. 8737
Fribourg (Switzerland), Bibliothèèque des Cordeliers, 2
München, Bayersiche Staatsbibliothek, 12o Cmm 1 (St. Anna Kloster)

Selected Bibliography

  • Armstrong, Regis J. et al., ed. Francis of Assisi: Early Documents. 3 volumes. New York: New City Press, 1999-2001.
  • Mitchell, Andrew W. “The Chant of the Earliest Franciscan Liturgy.” Ph.D. diss., The Unversity of Western Ontario, 2003.
  • van Dijk, S.J.P. “Some Manuscripts of the Earliest Franciscan Liturgy (ii).” Franciscan Studies 16 (1956): 60-101.

Notes on the Inventory
The index for I-Nn vi.E.20 was prepared by Andrew Mitchell at the University of Western Ontario.
Full/Partial Inventory
Full Inventory
Complete Source/Fragment
Complete source