Lucca, Biblioteca Capitolare Feliniana e Biblioteca Arcivescovile, 601

Cantus Siglum
I-Lc 601
Holding Institution
Lucca, Biblioteca Capitolare Feliniana e Biblioteca Arcivescovile (I-Lc)
Early twelfth-century antiphoner, used at Pozzeveri, Italy (Camaldolese). Central Italian neumes on dry-point staves, with coloured F- and C-lines. Monastic cursus. 560 parchment pages, 36.5 x 25.5 cm. Complete Temporale and Sanctorale.
Liturgical Occasions

Pp. 1-320: Temporale. 1, first Sunday of Advent; 31, Christmas; 40, Stephen; 66, Epiphany; 87, Ferial Offices; 108, Septuagesima; 126, Ash Wednesday; 189, Triduum; 206, Easter; 254, Pentecost; 267, Histories; 309, Sundays after Pentecost;
Pp. 320-504: Sanctorale. 320, Lucy; 331, Agnes; 347, Purification; 356, Agatha; 366, Benedict; 376, Annunciation; 400, John the Baptist; 411, Peter; 422, Paul; 432, Laurence; 442, Assumption; 455, Nativity of Mary; 464, Michael; 473, All Saints; 480, Martin; 488, Cecilia; 494, Clement; 497, Andrew.
Pp. 505-546: Common of Saints. 546, Dedication of a Church. 553, Office of the Dead.


The contents of Lucca 601 provide some evidence concerning its provenance; as the chants closely reflect the Benedictine liturgy and follow the monastic cursus, it is clear that this manuscript was not written for the chapter of canons at the cathedral in Lucca. Dom André Mocquereau has suggested that the presence of this monastic (i.e. unusable) Office book in a cathedral library can only be explained if there occurred at one time the suppression of a monastery, and if the possessions of that monastery were transferred to the chapter library. This may indeed have occurred in the fifteenth century near Lucca: in an act by Pope Gregory XII in July of 1408, the monasteries of San Pietro di Pozzeveri and San Michele di Quiesa were suppressed, and their property was confiscated. It is generally considered that Lucca 601 was used at Pozzeveri, since this monastery was founded in the eleventh century for canons regular but was transferred to the Camaldolese order (a reformed order within Benedictine monasticism) before the year 1095. Moreover, the ancient library inventory from Pozzeveri lists two antiphoners.

The “Extra” field has been used to record the numbers of the melodic incipits of notated chants as found in the facsimile edition of Lucca 601. The “Addendum” field has been used in a few cases to record additional uses of chants (as indicated by the accompanying rubrics). For example, some chants after Easter were to be sung on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, while others were to be sung on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays (see pp. 231-234).

The differentiae have been numbered within each mode following the facsimile edition.

Selected Bibliography

  • Mocquereau, Dom André, director. Antiphonaire Monastique, XIIe siècle, Codex 601 de la bibliothèque capitulaire de Lucques. Paléographie Musicale. Vol.9. Berne: Herbert Lang & Cie SA, 1974.

Notes on the Inventory
The index for I-Lc 601 was prepared by Robert Klugseder (Universität Regensburg) with editorial assistance from Debra Lacoste (The University of Western Ontario).
Full/Partial Inventory
Full Inventory
Complete Source/Fragment
Complete source