Browse Chants

Displaying 1-9 of 9 chants.
Folio Incipit / Full text Feast CantusID Mode
124r 1 Et metuant eum omnes fines


Fer. 2 per annum L V 01 600281a r Image
124r 2 Splendor paternae*

Fer. 2 per annum L H 008394 * Image
124r 3 Repleti sumus mane

Fer. 2 per annum L W 008181 * Image
124r 4 Benedictus deus Israel


Fer. 2 per annum L A B 001717 6 Image
124r 5 Servite domino in timore et


Fer. 2 per annum P A 004876 8 Image
124r 6 Exsurge Christe*

Fer. 2 per annum P W 800156 * Image
124r 7 Adjuva me et salvus ero


Fer. 2 per annum T A 001281 8 Image
124r 8 Adjutor meus es tu domine

Fer. 2 per annum T W 007932 * Image
124r 9 Aspice in me et miserere


Fer. 2 per annum S A 001498 8 Image
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