Browse Chants

Displaying 1-35 of 35 chants
Folio Incipit / Full text Feast CantusID Mode
065r 2 Helena*


Inventio Crucis V A 1 * Image
065r 3 Hoc signum*

Inventio Crucis V R 006845 * Image
065r 4 O crux*

O crux*

Inventio Crucis V H 008410:09a * Image
065r 5 Te summa*

Inventio Crucis V W 800431 * Image
065r 6 Hoc signum crucis erit in

Inventio Crucis V W 008088 * Image
065r 7 O crux splendidior cunctis


Inventio Crucis V A M 004019 1 Image
065v 3 Adoramus te Christe et


Inventio Crucis M A 3. 001287 1 Image
065v 4 Hoc signum*

Inventio Crucis M W 3. 008088 * Image
065v 5 Domine audivi*

Inventio Crucis M A 3. 002326 * Image
065v 6 Dulce lignum dulces clavos


Inventio Crucis M R 3.1 006530 8 Image
066r 1 Hoc signum crucis erit in


Inventio Crucis M V 01 006530a 8 Image
066r 2 Hoc signum crucis erit in


Inventio Crucis M R 3.2 006845 4 Image
066v 1 Cum sederit filius hominis in


Inventio Crucis M V 01 006845a 4 Image
066v 2 O crux gloriosa o crux


Inventio Crucis M R 3.3 007266 7 Image
067r 1 O crux admirabilis evacuatio


Inventio Crucis M V 01 007266d 7 Image
067r 2 O crux benedicta quae sola


Inventio Crucis M R 3.4 007265 2 Image
067v 1 Mihi autem absit gloriari


Inventio Crucis M V 01 007265a 2 Image
067v 2 Helena Constantini mater


Inventio Crucis L A 1 003022 7 Image
067v 3 Tunc praecepit eos omnes igne


Inventio Crucis L A 2 005249 1 Image
067v 4 Mors et vita apposita sunt


Inventio Crucis L A 3 003809 1 Image
068r 1 Cumque ascendisset Judas de


Inventio Crucis L A 4 002056 2 Image
068r 2 Orabat Judas deus deus meus


Inventio Crucis L A 5 004172 8 Image
068r 3 Hoc signum crucis erit in


Inventio Crucis L R 601046 r Image
068v 1 Cum dominus ad judicandum


Inventio Crucis L V 01 601046a r Image
068v 2 O crux ave*

O crux ave*

Inventio Crucis L H 008410:09a * Image
068v 3 Adoramus te Christe et*

Inventio Crucis L W 007936 * Image
068v 4 Helena sancta dixit ad Judam


Inventio Crucis L A B 003024 7 Image
068v 5 Hoc signum crucis*

Inventio Crucis T W 008088 * Image
068v 6 Adoramus te*

Inventio Crucis S W 007936 * Image
068v 7 Omnis terra*

Inventio Crucis N W 008161 * Image
068v 8 Omnis terra adoret te et


Inventio Crucis V2 R 007322 r Image
069r 1 Psalmum dicat nomini tuo


Inventio Crucis V2 V 01 007322a r Image
069r 2 O crux ave*

O crux ave*

Inventio Crucis V2 H 008410:09a * Image
069r 3 Hoc signum*

Inventio Crucis V2 W 008088 * Image
069r 4 Crucem sanctam subiit qui


Inventio Crucis V2 A M 001951 2 Image
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